Words that destroy.

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Dale's POV

I hate my phone. It is barely 8 am. What could be so important? I slowly get out of bed not to wake Ava. I walk into the kitchen and grab my phone and see fifteen missed calls. Just then it starts ringing again. "Hello." "Dale thank god what took you so long to answer? I was about to call the police and every hospital in the state." "What do you want mother?" "I want to apologise for yesterday. Could you please come by the office later I want to talk to you." "I will see how my day plan's out. It all dependents on how sick she is and what the doctor say."

"Is she sick?" "We don't know but I'm not taking chances. I can't let her fly if she is sick." "Okay fair enough but I need to talk to you about the company and this is not a mater you can discuss over the phone." "Okay fine I will come to your office. How does five o clock sound?" "Perfect, thank you Dale." "Bye mother."

Grate now this. I'm not in the mood for mother but if I didn't agree she would have never have stopped. I look into the bedroom and she Ava still asleep. She is so beautiful. What did I do to deserve such beautiful person? Nothing and no one is going to break us up. With that thought I decided to make her breakfast in bed.

With the breakfast in a tray I put it on the nightstand and kiss Ava on the head and whisper in her hear. "Good morning beautiful." "Morning" She says still half asleep. "I made you breakfast in bed." She looks up at me with her beautiful blue-green eyes and smiles. "Thank you. It smells delicious." "You are welcome. How are you feeling?" "Better but I still want to go to the pharmacy if you don't mind." "Of course I don't mind." "Okay now where is that food I'm starving." She teased. We ate breakfast in bed and stayed in bed just talking till passed one in the afternoon.

"Hey I have something to tell you." I tell Ava. "What is it?" "My mother phoned this morning she wants to apologies and wants to talk to me about the company. I agreed to meet her only because she wasn't going to stop." "It is okay it is your choice if you want to meet her." We stopped outside the pharmacy. "Do you want me to come in with you?" "No, it is fine I'll be quick." She left the car and ten minutes later she was back. "Is everything alright?" "Yes, the pharmacist said it was just probably just stress but gave me some pills just in case it is something else."

I dropped Ava of at home after we went groceries shopping. She insisted on making me dinner. My smile almost immediately disappears when I stop outside the company. I just hope whatever it is that my mother is going to tell me that she makes it quick. With that thought I walk in the building.

I know this was going to happen but still I came. "Nothing you say is going to tear us apart." "I wouldn't be so sure about that." My mother's next words shook everything. It turned my whole world upside down. "No, you are lying. Like always you are a liar." "I'm not laying about this. Of that I promise you." With those words she destroyed my life.


To be waken up with breakfast in bed is the best thing ever. Dale made me the most delicious bacon, eggs and toast. After we ate we laid in bed watching TV, cuddling, talking and kissing. The pharmacist told me I am way to much stressed and gave me some calming pills and some pills to build up my immune system just in case it was a bug. After Dale dropped me off at home I started with dinner. I left him no choice. He told me that I was the patient and he should take care of me but I won. About six thirty I was done with dinner and went to lay down on the couch.

I must have fallen asleep because when I looked up at the clock I see it is passed midnight. Dale is not home yet. Should I be worried? Maybe I should call the hospitals just to make sure nothing happened to him. I look at my phone there is no missed calls or messages of him. He would have called if he was running late wouldn't he? The meeting with his mother could not possibly take this long could it? Just as I was about to phone the hospitals I see lights and hear his car pull into the garage. Thank goodness I was worried sick.

I hear his voice talking to someone but then I hear another voice. A woman's voice. When he entered the house it felt like my heart stopped. His hair was messy, his shirt was unbuttoned. There was lipstick on his face, neck and chest. With a girl with her arm around his neck. My vision began to blur. My eyes filled up with tears. "I'm done, we are done. Don't talk to me, don't call me. Just leave me alone." I pull the necklace from my neck and threw it at him. "Here enough your night, dinner is in the microwave." I walk out of the house and kept walking. My vision blurry. I sit down behind a tree and just cried. I felt sick. My heart was bleeding. I imagined someone calling my name but I ignore it. Someone is talking to me but I don't listen. I feel someone lift me up and carrying me. Talking to me to try and calm me down.

"Ava talks to me. What happened? Please talk to me. You are scaring me." I hear Josh pleading for me to talk. I am laying on a couchin what I presume is his apartment. Josh is looking at me worried. I take a breath still not believing what he had done. "Dale..." "Did he hurt you, should I take you to the hospital or the police? I swear I am going to kill him." "No, he, he cheated on me." couldn't help but start crying again. He embraced me with a hug and let me cry till I couldn't anymore.

I would have kept sleeping if I wasn't so hungry. since I didn't eat last night I'm starving. "Ava you must eat. Just do something. You have been laying there looking at the wall for the past two hours." "I found the ring." It was all I could say. Josh looks at me slightly confused. "An enganchment ring." Silence. Not even a pip. "Was I that stupid enough to think that it was me? How did I not see the sighs that he was cheating? I know three four months is not that long. It is not long enough for someone to get married but still. I loved him." Josh hugged me again. "Hey, it is long enough and don't think for a second that you are stupid. He is the one stupid enough to let you slip to his fingers."

Josh POV

I kept my distance from Ava. I was coming from the Pizza Hut when I saw her walking down the street. I called her but she didn't answer. It looked that she was upset so I followed her. I found her in a ball crying. I tried to calm her down but she didn't listen. I don't think she even heard me so I picked her up and took her to my apartment.

I wanted to lay her down on the bed but I didn't know what happened and I thought when she comes to that she might freak out so I laid her down on the couch. She stopped crying. "Ava talk to me. What happened? Please talk to me. You are scaring me." I plead her to talk. She looked at me and took a deep breath. "Dale..." Her voice sounded raw from all the crying. Hearing his name I saw red. "Did he hurt you, should I take you to the hospital or the police? I swear I am going to kill him." "No, he, he cheated on me." She started to cry again. I hugged her till she couldn't cry anymore.

The next day she just kept laying there. I could hear her stomach she was hungry."Ava you must eat. Just do something. You have been laying there looking at the wall for the past two hours." I was worried and annoyed that she didn't do anything. "I found the ring." She said in a whisper. What ring? What is she talking about?

"An enhancement ring." Fuck. That is why she is so upset. "Was I that stupid enough to think that it was me? How did I not see the sighs that he was cheating? I know three- four months is not that long. It is not long enough for someone to get married but still. I loved him."

All I could do was hug her again. "Hey, it is long enough and don't think for a second that you are stupid. He is the one stupid enough to let you slip to his fingers." I tried to make her feel better. Dale is going to pay. First he destroyed Katharine's life now he is messing with Ava. I won't let him do it this time.


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