Will you marry me?

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That first morning when Ava woke up in my arms felt amazing. Seeing her smile and blush was adorable. I made us for breakfast pancakes with syrup. I told her to wait in bed for me but she surprised me in the kitchen wearing my old Harvard hoodie. I teased her by kissing and biting on her neck. We almost made love that day but we heard an intruder turns out it was my brother. My brother and I chatted about my family, the company and Ava. When I saw Ethan with that worried face I knew something was wrong I just never expected to hear that she was in a car accident she is in ICU. After I saw Ava and lied to the doctor about her hallucinations so that she can sleep. I felt terrible that I did that to her I went and beat Josh up and I almost killed him. I broke my promise to Katharine that I mad at her grave that day.

Josh POV.

I give her the sandwich. "Here you go baby and littlest baby." "Thank you." She took a bite out of the sandwich before she spoke. "Baby I want to say goodbye to Dale once I said goodbye I can move forward with you. I want to tell him that he will never be allowed to see his child. I know he is downstairs." What? Is she serious? "Are you sure about it? Do you mean it that you want to say goodbye to him?" I ask unsure. "Yes, he is only holding us back from taking the next step. I want to take the next step with you as my boyfriend maybe something more as just a boyfriend. I love you." I look at her shocked and happy at the same time. My heart is beating crazy. "Do you mean it?" "Of course I do. I mean every word I said." I pulled her into embrace and hugged her tightly. I lifted her chin and I looked down into her eyes.

"I love you so much. I would do anything for you." I say before I started kissing her. She kissed back and the kiss became passionately. I pulled away first and whisper into her ear. "We have to stop. I have to stop or else I would take you right here." "That would be very nice but you are right we should stop." I kissed her head. "Let's go say goodbye to Dale it has been long enough." She said. All I could do was nod my head. I was still surprised that she wants to say goodbye to him. We made our way down to the basement. I see him bleeding and have a lot of blood. Good he will be dead my tomorrow. This is going to be easier than I thought. Finally things are going my way. Thanks sis for looking out for me. I told you I will make him pay.

"You had everything you could ever want but you let it all go to waste. You spent most nights whoring around with any type of girl you could get your hands on. Not to mention how much you drank. You worked your charms on everyone but lucky for Ava she saw straight trough them." I tell Dale to get reaction but he doesn't do anything. He doesn't even look at me. I want him to do something. "Ava wants to tell you something." His eyes shot up and see Ava.

"Hi, Dale." She spoke softly. She takes a deep breath. "I never want to see you again. I will never allow you to see your child. You hurt me and I will not let you hurt my baby girl. She deserves better than you. Goodbye Dale." She spoke and I see confusion in Dale's eyes. I let out a sigh before I spoke. "She chose me and not you. Goodbye Dale." I say as I pull out a gun. Click. The safety is off. "Josh what are you doing?" Ava spoke with a bit of fear in her voice.

"Relax baby. In a few moments he won't feel anything anymore." "This was not what I meant when I said I want to say goodbye to Dale. Please put the gun away." She spoke softly. "I know and I am sorry but I have to keep my promise to Katharine. He must die for what he did to her." "Katharine? Do you mean Dale's ex?" "Yes, she was my younger sister. The day she killed herself she told me what she did. Because she was so heartbroken that you cheated on her that she went drinking and got beaten up by some thugs on her way home. She told me that she was sorry but she wanted the pain to stop." Dale start's shaking his head no. "Stop lying and accept the truth Dale." I shouted.

Ava's POV

Shit. Josh is pointing a gun to Dale's head. Josh wants revenge for his sister; I should stop this before he kills Dale. "What Dale did was unforgivable and I know you are in pain and angry at him but please don't kill him like this. He is already bleeding out if we leave him here for a week or two he will be dead and then we can put his body where it can be found with the knife in his hand and id you shoot him they will know it was not suicide, they will trace the bullet and eventually find you and I can't lose you. I wanted to wait till tomorrow to give you your Christmas gift but a day early would not make a difference. I bought us a house in Washington D.C. If you want we can leave tonight. The house already has furniture. So do you want to come with me?"

"Yes, I would go everywhere with you but I can't let him live." "Please just leave him. I want you to be the dad to my daughter, to help me raise her and you can't be a dad or raise her from prison. I want to begin a family with you. I want to have our own little girl and a boy. I want to be your wife. To wake up next to you every morning. Live in a house with our children and a dog or two. What do you say will you marry me? I know it is supposed to be the man..." "I was cut off by Josh kissing me."Yes, I will marry you and have I told you that you talk too much?" "No." "Good." He smiles. "If I ever tell you that you have my permission to hit me." "Okay." "So when are we leaving?" Thank goodness this worked. "We can right now but first." I threw my jacket over Dale's head and grabbed Josh and kissed him hard after the kiss I pull my jacket of his face and went upstairs to pack with Josh.

Dale's POV

Josh spoke to me but I couldn't care less. I didn't even listen to him but when he said Ava's name my head shot up and I saw her. She spoke softly and took a deep breath. "I never want to see you again. I will never allow you to see your child. You hurt me and I will not let you hurt my baby girl. She deserves better than you. Goodbye Dale." The baby is a girl but why is Ava saying goodbye? Has he threatened her? Josh let out a sigh before he spoke. "She chose me and not you. Goodbye Dale." He said as he pulls out a gun. Click. The safety is off. "Josh what are you doing?" Ava spoke with fear in her voice.

She pleaded him to put the gun away but he didn't. He next words left me speechless. "I know and I am sorry but I have to keep my promise to Katharine. He must die for what he did to her." "Katharine? Do you mean Dale's ex?" "Yes, she was my younger sister. The day she killed herself she told me what she did. Because she was so heartbroken that you cheated on her that she went drinking and got beaten up by some thugs on her way home. She told me that she was sorry but she wanted the pain to stop." No she lied to him. She broke my heart not the other way around. I shake my head no. Ava spoke to him and calmed him down. She told him that he would go to prison if he kills me. She proposes to him so that he could put the gun away. I will not let that happen she is trying to protect me I know it. She talked about a family with him and that they are moving to Washington. She threw her jacket over my face so that they could kiss and when she pulled it away she left a pocket knife under my hand and she left with him.

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