Tattoos, black eye and kissing

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"It was my 5th birthday party and the theme was Pirate. After the treasure hunt Anthony, Ava and I went in to the forest to play hide and seek but before we played hide and seek we played truth or dare and Anthony dared me to kiss Ava so I gave her a kiss on her cheek but Anthony said that was cheating and then I gave her a peg on her lips. She was the best at playing hide and seek we could never find her but that day she hid herself for almost two days."

Dale POV

Wow she looks really beautiful. "Good evening my name is Tim and I'll be your server for tonight. What can I get you to drink?" "I'll have a lemon-mint iced tea with no alcohol." She doesn't drink, well there goes that plan. "I'll have your best Pinot noir." "Grate choice sir." the waiter left. "How about we play twenty questions?" Okay you go first. "Favourite color?" "Purple." "Favourite food?" "Pizza." "Favourite animal?" "Siberian snow tiger." "What did you do after High school?" "I got my degree in business managing." "Why do you work than at a restaurant?" "I own the restaurant." "Why did you open a restaurant here? I mean why did you come back?" "Because of my mother she is very ill."

"Favourite sport?" "Off trail bike riding." Drama or Comedy?" "Horror." "Justin Bieber or One Direction?" "One Direction." "What do you like to do in your free time?" "Read." "Have you ever been a model?" "Yes." "For who?" "Forever 21." "Do you have a boyfriend?" "No." "First kiss?" "That was you." "Any phobias?" "Spiders." "What achievement are you most proud of?" "Beating you at gladiators." "How old are you?" "What does your mother do?' "Work at the beauty spa." "And your father?" "He died." "Where would your perfect holiday be?" "In Hawaii on new year's eve with fireworks or in a villa with a thunder shower outside. Like that earth cracking, shivers down your spine thunder with lightning while I'm curled up in someone's arms." "Do you have a tattoo?" "Yes." "Where?" "Nope." "She said popping the P. "Your twenty questions are up my turn now." The waiter came back with our drinks and took our orders.

My turn, burgers and chips, green, wolf, thriller, I was, you work for your parents company, afraid of frogs, 23." "Admit it you are my stalker." "No, I just know you very well." Well she isn't lying she know me better than my mother. "Look I'm sorry to hear about your dad and I'm sorry to hear that your mother is ill. I didn't know if I had known I would have never brought it up." "It is fine I made peace with it along tine ago. You were going to order a bottle of wine tonight but then I burst your bubble didn't I?" "It is fine." "So Ava this is what you mean you're not dating anyone!" A man shouted at her.

"Josh I told you to leave me alone what are you doing here? I'm sorry about this Dale." "Josh is it? I think you should leave before you cause any trouble." "I'm not going anywhere buddy." "Josh the police are on their way leave now." "You little bitch." He shouted. I quickly walked over to Ava. "I guess she is the one on top at night, am I right?" No one deserves to be humiliated like this in pubic so I grabbed her arm. "Come on I'll take you home." She got out of her chair and started walking with me.

"Hey I'm not done with you." He shouted and pulled me back when I turned around his fist landed firmly on my right eye. Then I saw Ava grab a bottle of wine from one of the waiters and hitting Josh hard on his head and he falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes but then he got on his feet and ran away. "I'm sorry about your eye does it really hurt?" She asked with fear and ashamed in her voice. "Not as much as my ego." I said trying to change the mood. "This is not funny. I am so, so sorry. I think it is for the best if I got a cab home." "Hey, this isn't your fault." "Please just let me get in the cab." She begged me and I could hear in her tone that she was almost at crying point so I let her go and she got into a cab and drove off.


"What did you do to Ava? What happened? Why was she is such a state last night?" "Good morning to you to Ethan and I don't have to tell you anything." Before I could say anything ells Ethan grabbed me by my collar. "I don't care if you fire me for this but just tell me what happened last night to my cousin? Why was she crying?" Then he just loosens his grip on my collar and let go of me. "Some guy Josh I think made a scene I tried to get Ava away but then he pulled me back and gave me this black eye and then she smashed a bottle of wine over his head he fell but then ran away." "Why does it not surprise me. Josh Mendes is her stalker. She has about twenty restraining orders against him but he keeps coming back. Sorry that I grabbed you but I don't like anyone messing with her." "No, I get it you took on the role off the big brother since she doesn't have one and that her father died." "She told you about her dad?" "Yes, and I'm sorry that her mother is very ill. May I ask how you knew she was upset?" "Her apartment is next to mine." I could tell he was lying but I didn't say anything. "Is she at the restaurant?" "Yes."


Honestly I love chilled Wednesday. Playing music with any order. Playing music and just relaxing. I'm too hot (hot damn) Called a police and a fireman I'm too hot (hot damn) Make a dragon wanna retire man I'm too hot (hot damn) Say my name you know who I am I'm too hot (hot damn) Am I bad 'bout that money, break it down. "Ava, $3 if you play Shake It Off next." "You know the music is free Ted." "Yeah but I want to." "Okay, here is Shake It Off." "Mari can you take over for a sec I just need to catch my breath." "Yeah sure. Are you okay?" "Yes, I just need a break." Thank goodness I have my own break room not that my employees are messy or anything but I just need to be alone.

As I laid down on the couch and let the sound of Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On (feat. MØ) flood my brain I hear a knock. "Ava I'm sorry to bother you but here is a guy that wants to talk to you." "Describe him to me." "Handsome, yummy, tall, nice built , dark brown hair..." "Send him in." "Okay do you want backup?" "No, Mari just says he can come in." She watched too many Magic Mike. Why is Dale here? "Hey Dale." "Hey Ava.". "The food is that good here I feel so honoured." "Why didn't you tell me that Josh is stalking you?" "Because it is none off your business."You should have told me?" "Why? There is nothing you can do about it. The police doesn't care so why should you care." "Because I know you and I don't like it went someone messes with my friends." "Please stop I don't have the strength to argue with you. I don't deserve to be your friend not anymore. LEAVE NOW!" "Okay, I'll leave.' He left an closed the door. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I such a bitch?

Dale POV

Why did she say that she doesn't deserve to be my friend? If it is about the gladiator thing I'm not mad. "Ethan?" "Yes?" "Did something happen to Ava that she feels guilty about?" "Why do you ask?" "No, reason just wondering." Finish with what you are doing than go home. I'm leaving now." Maybe she will be in a better mood tomorrow "Have a great evening Ethan." "Good night Mr Cunningham."


"Excuse me miss is Mr Cunningham in? It is quite important that is speak to him." "I'm the wrong person to ask dear. He's office is on the 31st floor and then you should ask Ethan." "Okay thank you."

"Hey, Ethan is he here? I have to talk to him." "No, sorry he just left." "Okay." I turned around and walked to the elevator when I hear Dale talking. "Ethan please remind me to always... Ava." He ran to the elevator just before it closed. He pressed me against the wall and his lips crashed on to mine hard but gentle.

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