See you later Dale

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When Ava and my mother met again it was like the start of world war 3. I lied to my mother because I didn't want to tell her about the whole Josh situation but I should have. Thinks are so different now. She could play dirty when she wanted and twisted her words sometimes. Our official first date I spent at Ava's house she made us pizza and we had a flour fight and afterwards we kissed. She took me to the place where we shared our first kiss as children I wanted to go further but we didn't that night. We chatted and kissed till late in the night. How she afford that car was banging in the back of my mind that night but I got my answer later.

Dale's POV

Four months have passed since I last talked to Ava. I bought the share's off her last month but the transaction happens threw Ethan and I didn't hear a word from her. It is Christmas in a week and I still haven't done Christmas shopping yet. What would the point be I would probably drink till I pass out and sleep the next day. My mother tried to talk to me and ask for forgiveness but I couldn't get myself to forgive her. It is because of her that I lost the love of my live and my brother and I aren't exactly speaking. Now I'm regretting coming to the mall to buy something I can't even remember what it was. All around me I see couples, husband's and wife's with their children. I wonder if Ava and I were married what our children would look like. They would probably have her eyes, smile and personality while they would probably have my hair or ours combined. In a moment everything paused around me as I saw Ava walking past into the glass elevator. I ran up the escalator. I tried to follow her but I lost her in the crowds. I tried to find her again but I couldn't. There were too many people so I couldn't spot her. She was so close but yet so far that I can't reach her.

Sitting in the bar I replay seeing her walk past me. She wore a big grey coat, pink flower scarf, black denim and boots. Her hair was hanging lose. Her blond hair had a slight curl in and she looked happy. She had a smile on her face and in her hand she carried a bag. I can't take it anymore. It was the first time in months I saw her. She is never at the restaurant, she doesn't answer my calls nothing. I miss her smile, laugh and I miss holding her. I was brought out of my dazes when the bartender asked. "Brake up?" I looked at him a moment confused it has been almost five months but what the hell. "Yea, what is the best drink you've got?" I was desperate to forget. "I have just the drink for you. The whizzer." he sounded enthusiastic. "I'll take anything just to forger her one night." After two shots I'm out. The floor and I became best friends. I fell so many times that I just stayed close to the ground till it was early morning and somehow I found my way out and I stumble to the phone and dial Ava's number. I wanted to apologise to her and spill my heart out to her."Hello?" "Who is this I want to speak to Ava." "It is her speaking." I smiled when I heard her voice. "Oh, I still miss you and I'm still in lo..." I couldn't finish when I was cut off by that that voice. "Ava who is that? Come back to bed baby." That voice I will never forget that voice. Josh. I hate him. I fucking hate him. He took her away from me. he and my mother is the same both crazy and deceiving. I went to a club after the phone call. The music started palying louder as the night got later. I tried to loose myself even more but all I coud think of was Ava. How she was in the arms of Josh. How she had moved on. She doesn't want me or love me anymore. She moved on and I should do the same.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get myself to have fun with other girls. In every girl I saw I saw Ava. Her innocence, her kind heart and how broker she looked when I tried to apologised. I all became too much for me and I left the club. I got in my car and I drove till to a park where I got out and walk till I blacked out.


That was some drink. Where am I? This isn't my house. It looks like a basement. My head is killing me. I try to reach for my head but my hands are tied up. "What the...?" "Glad you are awake now shut up or I will shoot you."Where the hell am I Josh?" Suddenly my head is pulled back and tape being placed over my mouth. My eyes are covered with a cloth. I hear soft foot steppes and a door opening. "Josh are you down here? Why isn't the light switching on?" Ava. "That is why I'm down here. The light blew when I looked at your charismas tree and there is also a weird noise coming from the washing machine so I will check it out. Don't come down the floorboards are lose on the stairs." "But I want to help." I hear footsteps and floorboard cracking and then suddenly a thump. "No, Ava are you alright. I don't want you to over work yourself." "I am fine. What do you mean by that?" "Ava, honey I know you are pregnant."

Ava pregnant? "How long have you know?" "For about a month now. I must say you hid it very well. You are just starting to show. How far are you three months?" "Almost five months." No. No. No. That can't be. That would mean I am the father. "Are you going to tell Dale?" "No, not yet. He isn't ready for that responsibility. He still goes parting, getting drunk and getting laid. I won't deny him to visit our child but I'm just not ready to tell him not yet." "Do you know the gender?" "No, I want it to be a surprise." "Okay." "Are you mad at for not telling you?" "I'm at it upset but I'm not angry or mad at you. I understand why you didn't tell me." He let out a sigh. "I want to ask you something but I don't want you to get mad or argue with me. Don't come down here alone. The steps are unsafe and I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself or the baby. I will do the washing and that. Promise me you won't come down here." "Okay sure I promise." "Cool now let's go upstairs and I could make you two something to eat and then later I could give you a foot massage and maybe rub your body in with that calming oil." I hear them walk upstairs and close the door.

Ava is pregnant.
I am the father.

I am going to too be a dad.

It should be me that is waitering on her hand and foot but I lost that right. I have to make it up to her I have to show her the truth. That I'm lost without her. I got to get out of here.

I don't know how long it was before the door opened and someone came down. The tape is ripped from my mouth."Drink and don't even try screaming for help. Ava is asleep and the neighbours are on holiday." I feel a bottle pressed against my lip and I drink the water.

"You know I am not mad that she is pregnant with your child. We will have our child together and if everything goes to plan I would raise the child as my own and you would be six foot down with a suicide note. "Please don't hurt her. Do anything you want to me but don't hurt her." He let out a humour laugh. "I will never hurt her I love her. You hurt her and you hurt her last night when you say you still miss her. Do you know how many nights I held her as she cried herself to sleep? You know I am really going to enjoy this. Then you had the audacity to pass out in her driveway. You are lucky I went out of the house early. If Ava saw you I would have cut you to pieces and you saved me a trip to your house." He hit my stomach with a hard force. Again and again. He taped my mouth shut again. "See you later Dale." He walked upstairs and left me down in the basement.

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