Ava I am coming

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I stayed with Ava day and night when she was in the hospital after the accident. When she got discharge I insisted that she move into me. She slipped on the ground and fell on the ground laughing. I was good to hear her laughing I told her to stay in the car after I carried her there. When I got back in the car she was phased out and I suggested that we go on holiday. I once dreamed I lost her and that it was my fault I never expected to actually happen. On the way to Greece she tried to find out where we were going but I didn't tell her. I hate flying and she distracted me with terrible jokes that made me laugh. She made an impressive first impression to my father and that night she told me about her father and what he did for her. I saw how fragile she can be and it scared me because I was scared I would break her heart. Unfortunately did I broke her heart.

Dale's POV

She gave me a knife and bought me some time so that I can escape. After a few moments I couldn't hear voices anymore so I took the chance to cut myself loose before I slowly made my way upstairs. I don't know how long I have been tied up but the sudden movements made my head spin. I have to focus. I pick up the phone and dial the the office number. "Hello Ava is something wrong? You never call the office before." "Ethan, you have to help me. Josh has Ava. She bought me time that I could escape. I am at her house. Please you have to find her before he hurts her or our baby." Ethan kept talking but I couldn't focus I saw black dot's that later darkness consumed my sight and I felt my legs giving away and I feel myself falling to the ground.

I woke up in a white room. I see I am in a hospital room. I look around and see I'm hooked up to a machine and I have an IV in my arm. My clothing is fold up and placed in a bag on a chair. I hear someone come in. It is a woman not older than 35. I read her tag and I see she is a doctor. "Good morning Mr. Cunningham. I am glad to see you are awake. Do you know where you are?" "A hospital." My voice came out hoarse. "Good. What is the last date you remember?" Why is she asking me this? "16 December. Why what day is it?" "Today is 30 December. You were brought in around five o'clock on the 24th of December and since then you have been unconscious. You lost a lot of blood because one of your main arteries was cut and your body was shutting down due to lack of nutrition's and water." No this must be a lie I couldn't have been unconscious for six days Ava needs me. I have to get out of here. I have to safe her. This was not supposed to happen I need to get out of here. "Mr. Cunningham calm down or I will have to sedate you." I hear the heart monitor pick up speed. I take a deep breath and slowly release it. "Good now I told the police that they can talk to you when you wake you but if they upset you press this button." She gave me the remote and walked out and two police officers walked in.

Officer number 1 spoke. "Good day Mr. Cunningham do you mind if I ask you some questions?" "No." "You went missing on 16 December. What do you remember of that night?" "I was out drinking. I drank a lot. I phoned my ex and after that I went to a club drank some more and I drove somewhere but I can't remember where and I woke up being tied down in a chair." Officer 2 wrote everything down. "I it true that your ex is Adelya Vanessa Anderson otherwise known as Ava?" "Yes." "And do you know that you where found in her house after you phoned for help, while she wasn't at the house and her car missing?" "Yes, but..." Officer 2 cut me off. "I will send out a warning alert to all the Police stations in the surrounding stats." No, they are going to blame her. "No, stop." I spoke loud and they both looked at me. "She did not have anything to do with this. She bought me time so that I can escape. The person you should arrest is Josh Mandes. Please Ava is endanger. She went with him to protect me and our child. She is pregnant. Please I am begging you." They asked a few more questions and left.

I heard a commotion in the hallways. "Let me see him. I am not leaving until I see him." "You are not allowed in only family is allowed in. I am sorry if you continue I will call security." "Like hell you will." The door opened and Ethan walked in and a guy tried to pull him back. "Stop let him go." "But Sir he is not..." "I don't care he is closer to me than my own brother and if you like not being charged with assault then I suggest you leave Mr. Anderson here alone." The guy mumbled something under his breath and left.

Ethan walked to me. "Is it true about Ava? That she planed this and wanted to kill you?" "No! WHO TOLD YOU THAT?" "Antony and your mother." "Ethan I promise you Ava have nothing to do with this. When she found me she looked at me with fear in her eyes before Josh drugged her." "I am sorry Dale this is my fault. I should have never left her alone with him. I should have done something, then you would have never nearly died and Ava wouldn't be missing. I have tried calling her but she doesn't answer."

"She said something about a house in Washington D.C." "Off course I know where she is." "You do? Where?" "The house she stayed at when she studied there." I started pulling out the IV. "I am going with you." "Are you sure?" "Yea."

I discharge myself and within an hour we were in the air on our way to Washington. I drank a few pain killers and fell asleep on the plane. "Where are you Dale? You said you would always protect me and our child and where are you now? Ava's voice eco trough my head. I tried to move but I couldn't. I hear an evil laugh from Josh. "You had your chance to save her now she is mine." I woke up gasping. It was just a dream.

"You okay?" "Yea it was just a dream." "Can I ask you something, Dale?" "Yeah." "You said something about a child before you passed out. What did you mean? Is Ava?" "Yes, about five months now." "Do you know what gender it is?" "Last time I saw her she slipped that it is a girl." "Congratulations." "Thank you but I don't want to celebrate until she is safe back home and Josh is locked far, far away from her." "You really still love her don't you?" "Yes, I love her. I was a fool and I know what I did was not right and there is no explanation. I deserve to be punished not her. She deserves so much better."

"You are right that she deserves better but if don't get her back she will never get the better that she deserves. I still haven't forgiven you for what you had done to her but I can see how much you care for her and I saw how hard the breakup was on you both. I can tell you that even if she and Josh had a thing she will never feel what she felt between you two." "What do you mean?" "I saw the way she looked at you it was the same way you looked at her. Love."

The rest of the flight we didn't say a word. I kept thinking about Ava, if she is safe? He wouldn't hurt her that I know but I can't shake the feeling something was going to happen that I can't control. If he hurt her I will kill him with my own hands. The medication I drank earlier is pulling me into sleep but I can't. I don't want to have that dream again. I tried fighting of the sleep as long as I could but was slowly begun to fall asleep. Memories of Ava laughing, us kissing under the stars, dancing and our first intermit night and we making breakfast and how she smile always brighten up a room filled my mind. With that I fell into a deep sleep. Ava I am coming.

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