In my and Alina's heart

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Ava's POV

Dale and I were sitting and watching a movie. His arm around my shoulder. When the contractions started and then my water broke. I look at Dale. "Dale, Honey my water just broke. I am going into labour" His eyes nearly popped out of his eyes. "Relax Dale breathe. Are you going to drive me to the hospital or am I going to drive myself." I teased him. That got him out of his shock. "Absolutely not. I am driving." We got into the car and he drove really fast to the hospital. He helped me inside where a wheelchair was giving to me. The doctor took me and with Dale following behind. I got into my hospital gown and laid on the bed waiting for the doctor to take me to the delivery room.

The doctor came and took me to the delivery room. The doctor told me that although the baby three weeks early is that it is normal. He looked on the sonar and saw that she was laying in the right position. The contractions became close together and the doctor told me it was time. The doctor told me to push and a pushed while Dale held my hand the entire time. I heard a loud pitch crying and I Know Alina was born.

She was wrapped in a blanket and placed into my arms. She is so beautiful. I kissed her head. "I love you Alina."I look at Dale. "We made beautiful child. I love you." He smiled. "I love you too." He spoke. A machine began to go off. Alina was taken out of my arms and a mask was placed over my face. I began to see black dot's that consumed my sight. People are taking to me but I can't hear I am too far away from them. I heard my heart bead slowly go down till it stopped and everything is gone.

Dale's POV

We are in the delivery room and Ava just gave birth to our beautiful baby girl. Alina. She has my black hair and nose but she has her mother's beauty and beautiful blue-green eyes. She is placed in her mother's arms. Ava is beaming. Smiling. She kissed her head and said she loved her. She looked at me and said. "We made beautiful child. I love you." I smiled at her. "I love you too." A machine began to go off. Alina was taken out of Ava's arms by a nurse and a mask was placed over her face. "What is wrong what happened?" "She has lost a lot of blood and the pregnancy took a massif strain on her heart. Her heart is giving out." "No, you have to do something she cannot die." Her heart flat lined and they couldn't get it beating. I start to cry uncontrollably. Ava died.


I unfold the paper and took a shaky breath before I began to speak.

"We were neighbours long ago. We use to play together every day at kindergarten and afternoons play outside in my tree house. She wasn't like all the other girls who play princess dress up no she always wanted to be a pirate. It was my 5th birthday party and the theme was Pirate. After the treasure hunt Anthony, Ava and I went in to the forest to play hide and seek but before we played hide and seek we played truth or dare and Anthony dared me to kiss Ava so I gave her a kiss on her cheek but Anthony said that was cheating and then I gave her a peg on her lips. She was the best at playing hide and seek we could never find her but that day she hid herself for almost two days. Two weeks after my birthday party Ava moved away. She didn't even say good bye. Our favourite game was walk the plank. Where we two teams at kindergarten playing as Pirate against each other."

I took a breath before continuing.

"In high school Ava came back to Portland but only for three years before she left again. In that time we didn't talk much since it has been almost ten years and our friends circle was different so we didn't mix. What a mistake that was. She once had to perform a poem for your grade because she won the youth writer award. It was a beautiful poem about two people, a guy and a girl who were best friends. She used symbols like sun and moon but her end stanza she says "now we live apart I came out on top and you dropped all because you broke my heart." and that stuck with me.

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