A pizza for two

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"In high school Ava came back to Portland but only for three years before she left again. In that time we didn't talk much since it has been almost ten years and our friends circle was different so we didn't mix. What a mistake that was."

Dale POV

Is it just me or is Ava even more gorgeous in my clothing and when she said girlfriend it sent butterflies to my stomach. Yeah I know it's girly but that's how I felt. The look in Ava's eyes says she is mad. I'm genuinely scared for my mother's sake. I would be mad too if I was Ava.

"Adelya, what's it been twenty years?" "Actually nine-teen but who is counting?" Yeah Ava is mad. "Son, I hurt you were stuck in the elevator for ten hours and now I see you have a black eye. What happened?" "I went on a date with Ava and." Maybe I should not tell my mother about the crazy stalker. "And when I opened the champagne the cork almost took my eye out." I look at Ava who has a playful smile on her face.

"You know son that once happened to your father." Fhewf she bought it. "You should be more careful and what happened to the elevator I really hope you had company and wasn't alone." "He wasn't alone. I was his company." Ava said in a naughty way. What my mother did to Ava wasn't right is it bad from me to see Ava getting some revenge from my mother. "Dale, is that your clothing she is wearing?" "Yes, it is his. You see my clothing was a bit sweaty from all that time in the elevator in his company." Ava says while she is playing with her hair. I should stop this now before my mother pop's a vain or Ava gives her a heart attack.

Reading my facial expression she says. "Dale could you maybe take me home so I could get ready for our date later or if you don't want me to go on a date with underwear on in your clothing it is also fine with me." I couldn't help but to laugh at her. "Okay Ava I'll take you home just let me grab the car keys." The look on my mother's face was absolute horror. I walked to the coffee table grabbed the keys when Ava called me. "Bae where did you put my underwear I can't find it, maybe it is still in the kitchen. You know what I'll get back later tonight." I walk into the kitchen garb Ava's hand and walk out with her before my mother attack her. "See Mom in ten minutes!" I yell once we were outside and in the car.

"Wow that felt good. Are you mad at me, Dale for how I talked to your mother?" "Are you kidding? No you are just amazing." I leaned in cupping her face with my hands and kissing her soft lips. "So we're going out tonight?" "Yeah I have to show off my boyfriend." I will never get use to that. "Okay that makes sense. What do you have in mind?" "I was thinking Ciao Vito or Nostrana." "Why do I get the idea that you want to eat pizza?" "Maybe because I want to eat pizza but if you don't want to go out I could always make you pizza from my home. Turn right at the stop." We turned into her driveway. "In that case what time should I come by?" "Around seven." She got out and walked around to my window. "I almost forgot something." She leaned in and gave me a kiss. "Only one?" I ask. "Jip maybe if you be a good boy tonight I'll give you two. Bye." She said teasing and waving then as I backed out of the driveway she turned around and entered her house.


"Mother why do you have a problem Ava? She is nice, smart and..." "I don't care if she is the queen of England you are not to see her. I forbid you to see her." "Mother I'm 23 you can't forbid me to see anyone. I am not a child anymore and I think you should leave before I say something I might regret." What is my mother's problem with Ava? "This isn't over Dale."

It is seven'o clock and I walked into the best sheen ever. Ava singing and dancing to I think DJ Earworm Mashup - United State of Pop 2016 while she is cleaning the kitchen. She twirled around with her eyes close and when she stop she look straight at me and she turns red in her cheeks. "Did you enjoy the show?" She asked out of breath. "Yes, very much." "I'm glad. Everything is ready but I haven't put the topping on the pizza because I don't know what you like on your pizza so you're going to help me."

"Okay what should I do." "Get a little flour on your hands and press on your dough till you get the thickness you want." "Okay but Ava you have a bit of flour on your face." "Where?" "Right here." I say pressing my thumb against her right cheek and dragging it down. "Nice." She said and then grabbed a hand full of flour and through it in my face and some in my hair and I grab her and pull her closer and wrap my arms around her waist. She stands o her toes and we kiss after a moment we pull away to catch our breaths.

"Hey you made me a very delicious breakfast for lunch so tell me what you want on your pizza." "Okay, I want olives, cheese, mushrooms, pepperoni, salami, ham, with a spicy tomato base and thin crust." "That sounds delicious so I'll make two of them and if you want something to drink there is Soda, juice and wine in the fridge." "I thought you said you didn't drink alcohol." "I don't but that doesn't mean my guest can't have a glass of wine or a beer."

I had no idea that Ava can make such delicious pizzas. "Does your restaurant do functions for companies?" I ask while we are packing the dishwasher. "No, not really I just do birthday parties and anniversaries nothing bigger than that." "You said you had a surprise for me might I ask what it is?" "You will see just wait. I am almost done than we can drive to your surprise." Drive to my surprise. What could the surprise be? "Right I'm done you ready to go?" "Yes, let me just grab my car keys." "No need for that we are thanking my car." "Are you sure I don't mind driving?" "Then you will know where we are going." "Okay I surrender you win."

We walked outside and Ava pulled her car out off the garage. I was expecting a Nissan or a Ford or something not a red 2015 Maserati Levante. I know it is terrible of me to think but that is an $83,000 car and I had no idea that her restaurant did that good. "Are you going to admire my car all nightlong or are you going to let me take you to your surprise?" I climbed into the car and she drove away. "What is the highest you have gotten driving?" "Well it can go up to 165mph but I have gotten up to 125mph what is your top speed for you mustang?" Wow she knows a little bit of cars. "Well it is also a 165mph car but I have gotten up to 135mph. So where are we going?" "You'll see it when we get there."

"Okay I have a question how did you know all that things about me?" "It was the same as when you were a kid. I remember you screaming your longs out when you a frog jumped on you, you always liked wolves. Your favourite food was Burgers and chips, your birthday is on the 21 May and green because your eyes are green." She has great memory. "So you know my birthday tell me when is yours?" "30 June." She stopped the car at the edge of the woods and climbed out and took a scarf out under her seat and walked over to me. "Close your eyes and bent down please." She said holding the scarf in her hand. "Is this where you kill me? I knew it you are a stalker and now you want to kill me." I tease bending down. "Finally you figure it out I was wondering how long till you catch up. Now follow me." She said after she put the scarf around my eyes and taking my hands. After a few minutes we stop. "Now count to ten than and only then open your eyes." "Okay. One, two, three..., five..., seven eight nine ten." I pulled the scarf of and looked around but all I see is trees. I walk a few steps and see Ava leaning against a tree. "You found me. That is the first time you found me. Do you know why we are here?" "No." "Because this here is where we had our first kiss.'' She whispers before our lips meet.

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