Two options

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 I took Ava to a spa blindfolded It was so amusing. She was so careful trying not to fall of the steps but her foot slipped so I carried her there. When we were back on the boat I wanted Ava to swim with me but she didn't want to so I did what every boyfriend would do I threw her in to the ocean. That night we had our first intermit contact and when morning came she was f wrapped around my body with only a sheet covering us. I played with Ava's hair until we both fell asleep. That was the first time in a long time that I was happy. I took her to the cave where I wanted to propose to her but I was too nervous and I just gave her the necklace.

Ava's POV

Morning sickness is terrible after I was done in the bathroom I went into the kitchen where Josh was sitting. "How are you feeling, baby?" "Better I guess." "Babe we need to talk." What did he found out that I helped Dale escape? "Sure. What is wrong?" "Dale is alive." Shit. "What? How?" "Ethan when by the house to check on you and he found Dale passed out. Now I want to ask you if anyone knows about your house here." "I don't think so. I never told anyone." "Good because if Dale is alive he won't be able to find you because I know for a fact that he will not let you go." He is alive. He has to be I need him to be. He needs to find me. "Ava are you still feeling sick you look very pail?" "Yes, I'm going to lay down for a bit if you don't mind." "I don't mind go lay down. I have some things I need to take care of." I slept for three hours and when I woke up I had a craving for nachos. I got dressed in a big coat and left Josh a note on the fridge.

Outside it is freezing cold after I had my nachos I walked around a bit till I saw the old binge I use to sit on when I was studying here. I put my face in my hands and cried. I feel someone's presents next to me. "I don't like it when you cry. I miss your smile. Bae can you please smile for me?" I turn to look at Dale. "Dale!?" He hugged me. "Yes, I am here and I will never leave you again." "How did you find me?" "That would be me." I turn around and look at Ethan and smile through the tears. "Where is he Ava?" Ethan asked. "I don't know he said he had some things he needed to take care off. When I woke up a half hour ago he wasn't inside the house." "Okay. That is good." Dale took my hand. "Let's go home." I shake my head yes and I kiss him.

"We are not risking that Josh finds out we are here so we are leaving now." Ethan spoke. We got into the car and drove to the airport to the private jet. We got in and were waiting for pilot to take off. "Are you mad at me? That I didn't tell you I was pregnant." I ask Dale. "No of course I am not you had every right to not tell me after what I did." He puts his arm around me and I snuggle into his chest. "Aww how sweet." a voice spoke. No. No. No. "To bad I have to ruin it." Josh spoke holding a gun towards us. Dale was immediately on his feet standing in front of me. "Not so fast. Come on in with him." A guy walked in with Ethan's mouth taped shut, his hands tied up and a knife to his head. "Here is how it going to work you is going to let Ava tie you up and then you are going to get of this jet and not follow us. If you don't do what I say Ethan dies. Now sit down." He demanded. Dale sat down. "Ava would you so kindly reach under your seat and take out the zip tie's?" I did as he said and tied Dale's hands up. "Now come with me baby."

"No. I am not going anywhere with you." I pull out a knife and hold it in front of my heart. "Never again." "Baby I understand that you are confused please put the knife away. I don't want you to get hurt." "No, I am not going to do that Josh. You have gone too far. You can't and won't hurt me if I am dead. Please just leave. Go never come back." He turns to Dale. "you know the plan was that my sister would get close to you then we would destroy you just like you destroyed Kathrin's life but she fell for the wrong brother and I let myself get caught so that I could get all the information I needed about you. I found out that you had a new love and I wanted to take her away from you forever but it turned out to be Ava and I could never hurt her so I just have to hurt you." He looks at me. "Ava you have two options. Option one you leave with me now and no one gets hurt. Option two you have to choose between Ethan and Dale who lives'. So what have you decided?" I look at Dale and at Ethan they both shake their head no. I can't let on off them get hurt. "Fine I will go with you." "Good now throw the knife to the ground." I did as he said and I walked to him feeling light headed.

"Josh can we leave now I don't feel great." I stumble a bit and he catches me. It gave Dale the chance to grab the knife and cut himself lose. "Not so fast Dale." Josh warned. I heard a click and felt something press against me stomached. "I will shoot her if either of you two makes a wrong move. Now Dale, Ethan please get off the jet." Dale slowly moved to the door. Ethan got to his feet and did the same.

Is it hot in here or what? Am I hyperventilating? Something is definitely not right. My vision fussy and my legs start to give out. Someone tries to hold me up but I am too weak. I feel myself being laid on something soft. Soon after that arguments begin. Shouting. I feel someone touching my head and is talking to me but it is if I am under water I can't make out what is being said.

Two figures are fighting. I can't see who is who. I feel a sting in my arm. It burns and my vision slowly gets better. Ethan is in front of me talking to me. His eyes are searching for me to understand what he is saying. I nod my head. "Go get help." My voice was barely a whisper but he heard me and nods his head and he disappears. I slowly sit up straight and see both Dale and Josh are bleeding and hurt. I have to help Dale but I'm too weak. I see my something that can help me on the ground I made my way to it. Josh has Dale in a headlock. Dale is losing consciousness. His eyes find me and he broke free out of the lock.

They continue to fight. "Stop." I try to scream. I came out all scratchy. They heard me they stopped for a split second before they continued fighting. Dale I thrown on the ground and got up but was suddenly cut by a knife. He hisses out in pain. Josh uses it to his advantage. He hit Dale's head on something hard. Dale grabbed his head and that gave Josh the opportunity to kick his legs out under him he hid. Dale hid his head hard on the ground. He isn't getting up. I have to do something. I can't let him die. Josh has the knife ready to stab Dale in the Heart. He is on top of him. He lifted his arm to stab him when bang I shot him. His eyes lock with mine. I can see all his pain. He blinked and smiled before he fell to the ground dead. Dale got up and came to me. Sitting down in front of me. My hands are shaking. I killed him. "It is okay he is gone he will never touch you again. Give me the gun." With my hands shaking I give him the gun. He slides it away. I start crying. He hugs me tightly. Rocking us back and forth. "Shhh it is okay. You are okay. I am okay. We are going to be fine." I hear sirens coming closer and for the first time in a long while feel I save in the arms of Dale.

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