This couch is uncomfortable

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I remember once there was a swimming competition to see who could swim the most laps in two hours. It was teams. It was me and my best friend against two other teams and Ava and her friend. We were up to hundred laps and Ava's team was at ninety seven laps and the other teams were at seventy. She was giving us a real go.


I got home around quarter to four in the morning. I had a great time with Dale. We danced under the stars, had a picnic under the stars and he showed me where Big Dipper is and where Leo in the sky was.

I woke up with a noise of footsteps in my house. Relax it is just your imagination go back to sleep I told myself. I closed my eyes. Then I hear my bedroom door slowly cracking open. Just pretend you are still asleep. I can hear the person breathing and walking slowly to my bed. Then a hand brushes the hair out of my eyes and I feel his weight on my bed and I hear him sitting on my bed stand.

He is just sitting there watching me. How did he get in past my security? I was busy thinking out theories when he got up and left my room. I feel my phone vibrate underneath me. I quickly grab it and hit the view button it is Dale. Morning Bae. Where are you? I text back the office why? Without any hesitation I jumped out of bed ran to the kitchen grabbed my car keys ran to my car and just drove.

I stopped at Dale's office building ran inside and took the elevator up to his office. When the elevator door open I ran out straight to Dales office opened the door and walked in and then I see sitting at the desk I ran to him. "Ava is everything ok?" "No, I said out of breath."Josh is in my house." "We will come back later." A man said and he and other guy's left. I was in such a hurry to get out and away that it didn't notice that it was raining; that Dale was in a meeting with people and that I was in my oversize blue Snoopy T-shirt and very short pink shorts.

Dale POV

Ava is an amazing dancer. We danced tile early morning. The developers are late as usual by the time the hotel is done I would be 40. I wonder if Ava is awake by now. The time is around nine. I grab my phone and text her. Morning Bae. I know in another language it means shit but I don't speak whatever language it is and I like calling her that. Where are you? Is she planning something? The office why? No reply. I see the developers come in and sit down.

"So how far have you progressed with the building." "The foundation is laid and we are busy with the inside frame." "Great now..." I was interrupted went Ava came running in to my office. Something is wrong she looks petrified. "Ava is everything ok?"

I ask firmly. "No!" She said out of breath. "Josh is my house." My whole body tensed and I was just filled with anger and I took her into my embrace and then she started crying. I took her and sat her down on the desk. "Tel me what happened." I say wiping away the tears with my thumbs. She took a deep breath. "I woke up to a notice in the house but I thought it was my imagination but then moments later I hear my bedroom door opening and I heard footsteps getting closer. Then I feel a hand taking hair out of my face then I felt his weight on the bed and he sat down on my bed stand. He just sat there watching me for I don't know how long then he got up and left my room. A few moments later you texted me and then I go up and just ran grabbed my car keys and drove straight here." I am going to kill that guy. "Wait right here. I am just going to get Ethan." I walked out of my office. "Ethan I need your help now." We both walked into my office. "Ava, what is wrong?" Ethan asked worried. "Josh was in her house. I need you to take her to my house she is in no state to drive herself." "I will but where are you going? Don't do anything stupid. Josh can be dangerous." "I'm just going to check if he is still there. Take her home now." He took her and they left. I locked the office door; got in my car and drove to Ava's house.

I didn't know what to expect to find at her home. Since the incident with my father I always carry a steel baseball bat under my car seat. I pulled it out, lock my car and walk in and see a path made out of flowers. I follow the path to her bedroom where a bouquet off flowers is laying. I am really glad I sent Ava to my house this would only freak her out. It freaked me out.

The police sure took their time. When they go here I told them everything Ava told me, they took my fingerprints. "Where is Ava?" The officer asked. "I told my assistant, her cousin Ethan to take her to my house because she was freaking out." "Okay, she must just come to the station to give her statement and her fingerprints." "Right officer but this would have never happened if you had done you job." I said angry.

I got home to find Ava asleep on my couch and Ethan sitting next to her. He got up and walked over to me. "I gave her a relaxing pill because she got really pail in her face and I was scared that she was going to pass out. She has been sleeping for about an hour and twenty minute. Did you find anything, was he still there?" "No, but I can't let Ava see her house not until it has been cleaned. The dust for fingerprint's and all the flowers is just going to freak her out." Ethan looks at his watch. "Shit, I'll late I have to go. I have to pick Ava's mother up from the hospital." "Is she alright?" "Yes, but I have to go now." He left. It is just past 11:30 and it is raining cats and dogs outside maybe I should make us some soup.


I normally don't take relaxing pills but I just had to because it felt like I was going to pass out. I am lucky my heart didn't give out. I woke up to a mouth watering smell that made me instantly hungry. I look at the clock on the wall and see it is almost three 'o'clock. I wrap the blanket around my body and walk to the kitchen only to see Dale sitting there working on his computer. His eye's suddenly look up. "Ava how are you? Are you alright?" "I'm aright. I just have a light headache." "That good. I know you are still in shock but you need to give your statement to the police and they need to take your fingerprints." I wasn't in the mood for anything right now but I know that I have too. "Okay would you come with me please?" "I wasn't going to let you go alone. I still have your clothing here from Thursday can I go get for you?" "Yes, please." He got up and went into the washing room and came out with my clothing. I got dressed in the bathroom and he turned off the stove. We got in the car and drove to the police station. The whole ride to the police station Dale held my hand.

"I have told you for the you for the sixth time, I am not on drugs, I don't drink any alcohol, and I only take my medicine which I have been taking for ten years now. My headache is now banging in my head. We have been at the police station for two and a half hours. I am irritated, I am hungry, and my head is killing me. They have taken my finger prints and I have given my statement about seven times and keep asking the same question. Did I leave my door unlocked? I thought I would never hear those six words. You are done. You can go.

"You should come and work for me. I actually need a new Potager." "A what?" "Soup chef." "Oh you learn something new every day. I will take you tomorrow back to your home only so that you can take your essentials then we will come back here. You are going to stay with me until the Police fined Josh and you are not going to argue." "Okay, you win but only if I sleep on the couch." "No, you are my guest and I will not allow that." "You don't have a choice Matthew." "Did you just call me by my second name?" "Yes, I did Matthew would you please just let me sleep on your couch." "Okay fine."

Dale POV

I wanted to hit the officer how dare he say that Ava is on drugs. I felt Ava get angry so I caress her hand with my thumb. After a long time we got back and we ate my soup I insisted that she sleep in my bed but she refused. I woke up to Ava screaming. I ran as fast as I could to her. "Ava, Ava wake up it is only a dream." I yell at her. "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME JOSH!" She screamed and kicking. I snatch her into my arms. "Shh Ava shh it is just a bad dream." She calmed down. I laid down on the couch with her in my arms and I fell asleep. I woke up around three. This couch is uncomfortable I whisper to myself and I carried her to my bed and we slept in comfortably further.

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