Mother's know best.

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She once had to perform a poem for your grade because she won the youth writer award. It was a beautiful poem about two people, a guy and a girl who were best friends. She used symbols like sun and moon but her end stanza she says "now we live apart I came out on top and you dropped all because you broke my heart." and that stuck with me.


Every Friday I go to the hospital and visit terminally ill kids and play with them but last Saturday my mother went in for arm surgery so today I'm visiting her. "Hey mum." "Adelya, what a surprise. How are you everything alright?" "Yes, I'm fine mum. I am here to spend the day with you.""That is lovely but wouldn't you rather spend the day with your boyfriend and why did I have to hear it from Ethan?" "Mum we have been a couple for only two days and when did Ethan tell you we haven't even gone public yet?" "Yesterday around lunch. So tell me about him do I know him?" "Yes, you do know him." "Really? Who is it? Is it Louis or wait what is that guy's name Ricky, Rico? Ricardo, yes that is his name." "No, mother it is Dale. Dale Cunningham." "Like Moira Cunningham's son?"

"Yes." "Oh okay so tell me when and how did you meet?" "On Monday. He came to the restaurant and ordered the passion fruit special and I asked if he was sure because there is pineapple in and that I knew he is allergic to pineapple and I then started playing a guessing game with him because he didn't know who I was." "I hope you played fairly." "I tried too but I told him who I was on Tuesday and then he asked me out on a date." "And how was it?" "At the beginning fun we played 20 questions but then Josh made an appearance. He gave Dale a black eye but then after I hit him with a wine bottle he ran away." "Have you told the police that Josh stalked you again?" "Yes, and there is a warrant out for his arrest. Wednesday Dale came by the restaurant but I wasn't in the mood so I was kind of rude to him and when my mood died down I went to apologize to him. We ended up making out in the elevator while it was stuck. I told him about Anthony and it turns out he isn't dead and living in New York."

"I'm glad you felt guilty for too long." "Yeah, so where was I? Oh the next day I woke up in his bed and he made me breakfast from lunch." That look on my mum's face is all too familiar. "Don't give me that look." "I know you're an adult but you're still my little girl so I don't want you to get to interment with him and you barley know him." "Mum stop we didn't have sex and the most intermit we got was when we made our while I was in his clothing." "Of you say so. When are planning to tell his mother" "Oh she already knows." "How so?" "Well let's just say she doesn't like the idea much."

I look at my mother and see her arm is all better. She fell down a couple of steps and hurt her arm two months ago but she didn't see the doctor until I forced her to last week and Saturday she was operated. "Mum the doctors say that you can go home tomorrow." "That is grate I would love so sleep in my own bed." "I', sorry but mum has to chose between Ethan or me." "Why?" "Because we decided that until you can use your arm fully you are going to stay with one of us." "Honey that is not necessary, I'll be fine on my own." "No, the doctor said that for at least two more weeks you are not allowed to use your arm." "Okay honey I will go and stay with Ethan because I don't want to get in the way of you and Dale and don't try and change my mind."


Because it is Friday and the start of the weekend the restaurant only open at three and closes at eight it is the same Saturday and Sunday we are closed. My phone starts vibrating and I see a massager from Dale on my phone. Hey love where are you at? ❤❤Home, why? Get ready. 5. for what? 4. What is going on? 3. Dale? 2. ?. 1. ?. Nothing happen. Did you look outside? Yes, what is going on? What are you planning? I am just getting you ready ❤. Ready for what? You will see later tonight I'll pick you up around nine. Is it alright? Yes, but what are you planning? He replied only with a ❤.

It is a normal Friday afternoon in the restaurant. Oh no, I spoke too soon. Dale's mother just walked in to my restaurant. I she wants' a fight she will get it. She is on my turf now. "Mari would you please take table 17's order." "Okay" She walked but after a few seconds came back. "Mari what is wrong. Did she say something?" "She said she doesn't want to be served by a nineteen year old, so I left." "Mari, don't mind her she is mad at me." Now I am ticked off and I took the menu and walked over to Moira. "What can I get you Moira? How about a new face lift this one looks like an old witch." "How dare you speak to me like that I demand to speak to the owner!" she yelled. "You are speaking to the owner." "You?"You must be kidding where did you get your degree?"

"Stanford University Graduate School of Business." "You couldn't afford Yale? What was your pass rate?" She teased "96%." I hear some ohh's "That is impossible Dale only got 94% and no one at Harvard got higher than that." "Believe what you want I don't care. Is there a reason that you are here or do you want to order something?" "Stay away from Dale. He might not see it but I do, you are nothing but a gold digger." "I don't need your son's money I have my own and we are dating and there is nothing you can do about it. Now please leave my restaurant there is a board outside No dogs allowed and you are breaking that rule and also right to admission reserved and you just lost your right. Mike please help Mrs Cunningham leave." I turned around with a smile on my face and I hear Moira get up and leaving but before she closes the door she shout's. "You will regret this!" And she left.

The rest of the day was back to normal. The restaurant closed at ten to eight. I cashed up and locked up and I was home at eight fifteen. I pull out my phone and text Dale. Hey what should I wear? He text's back. Clothing is optional, but if you want to you could wear my clothing. I am just glad that there is a screen and a few miles between us because my face is just bright red. So a denim, shirt and Tommie's. I put on a bit of perfume and make up and let my hair hang loose. At five to nine Dale pulled into my driveway.

"So where are you taking me." I ask once we were in the car driving. "No today it is my turn to not tell you about the surprise." "Oh okay. How was your day?" "It was boring and frustrating and yours?" "It was alright I guess just had an argument with a difficult customer." "I hope you gave him all his hell." "Her. It was a woman. It was your mother.' I see his grip tightening on the steering wheel. I can see his knuckles turning white. "What did she say?" "Just that I should stay away from you that is all." He doesn't need to know about everything.

The car pulls into a stop and he gets out. I got out and then he blindfolds me. "Follow me." He whispered and takes my hand. "Wait you are walking too fast." "Okay let's try something different." He says then grabbers my by the waist and starts carrying me bridal style. "How is this?" He whispers in my ear. "Better." He walked for a bit further than he put me down on the ground. "Okay wait for three seconds then you can pull of the blindfold." "One, two, three." I pulled the blindfold off and looked around me and I saw Dale in front of me with a flower in his hand. "Surprise! We are having a picnic under the stars." We ate fruit, drinked soda and ate junk food and we danced tile the early morning hours.

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