Call my bluff I dare you

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We lost the first part of the competition. The next one was mind over matter where your team was divided to the eyes, ears, and the voice. Where the eyes see where the beacon is hidden and have to indicate to the voice without saying anything and the ears have to listen and walk blindfolded to where the voice tell them. It was very complicated but eventually we one. Now it was a draw one-one. Who was going to win no one knew at that moment.

Dale's POV

Waking up with Ava's breathing on my chest is the best thing I could ever wake up to. I get out of bed slowly so I don't wake Ava. I covered her with the duvet and kissed her head. I went out and sit on the nose of the boat and watch the sunrise. "Morning son you are up early." "Morning father. My thought and memories won't shut up." "You look happy son." "I am." I couldn't help but to smile. "I'm so glad my boy . I thought I would never see you smile or happy after Katharine." I took a sharp breath on hearing Katharine's name again. "It has been two years. I miss her so much sometime's dad. Every time I see nougat or water lilies I see Katharine and I feel sick. I'm scared that I will hurt Ava or she will never trust me again if she hears what happened." "It is understandable but you have to tell Ava it is not fair against her." Yes I know. I look at her still asleep on the bed. It so weird Aphrodite is the Goddess of love and beauty but she can't compare to Ava's beauty. "Is the cave open?" I ask my father. "I think so why? Do you want to take Ava there?" "Yes, I want to give her a gift." "Okay, you still know how Claire works?" "Yes, relax I won't sink her."

"Morning Ava." I give her a kiss on her head. She opened her eyes and had a smile on her face. "Good morning." she sits up. "It is now that you are awake. I made you breakfast." "Thank you." "You are welcome, after you are done eating get ready because I want to show you something." "Does it involve me in a bikini?" "Yes, because we are going for a swim." "Okay."

Ava's POV

"What do you want to show me?" "It is a surprise." "Wow breakfast in bed and a surprise. I don't have anything for you." "You don't need to give me any gift you being my girlfriend is the best gift ever." he kiss me on my cheek, head, and nose. "okay." he takes my hand and stand up. "Are you going to jump into the water or am I going to pull you in again." without any warning I jump into the water. Then I feel arm around me. I feel his breathing on my neck. "See that cave over there." He points at a small cave in the mountain about 150 meters from us. "Your surprise is in there."

I'm sitting in the cave with my eyes covered. "I have a gift for you. Okay you can open your eyes." I open my eyes and see a beautiful blue diamond necklace. "It is beautiful thank you." Dale walks around me pulls my hair away and put the necklace around my neck. "I have something important to tell you but I can't right now because I'm not ready to tell you just yet but I will tell you." "Should I be worried?" "I don't want you to be and you shouldn't be but something happened in my past that wasn't good." I turn around and take his hands. "Hey we all have ugly things that happened in our past and when you are ready to tell me I will listen. I won't force you to tell me if you are not ready." He takes me into his embrace. "Have I told you how amazing you are?"


I hear Dale's phone ring and I answer. "Hello?" "Ava? Where is dale?" "He can't come to the phone right now he is busy sailing the sailboat. Ethan is this you?" "Yes, it is me can you just take the phone to him it is important." "Okay okay I'm taking the phone to him." I cover the phone with my hand. "Dale it is Ethan he says it is important that he speaks to you." I give him the phone.

Dale's POV

"You better have an excellent excuse to why you are disturbing me on vacation, Ethan." "Josh escaped from prison." "What?! How is that even possible?" "I don't know." I see Ava has a confused expression on her face. I don't want her to stress anymore "do you know where the problem is." "Ava is listening, is she?" "Yes now do you know where the problem is?" "Camera's picked him up going on flight to Britain but when the police checked the plane he was gone. He might be on the way or already in Greece." "Shit. Okay we will leave as soon as I dock the sailboat." I hang up. "What is wrong it sounds serious?" "Someone hacked the company's mainframe and is threading to make all of our deals; contract's business partner's information's public if I don't pay him 15 million." "What?" "Hey don't worry Ethan already have an IT specialist trying to find him but don't worry our vacation is going to continue in New York."

Ava's POV

I knew the call was about Josh and I feel terrible not telling Dale about Josh but I have to hear what Josh he has to stalk me and Dale haven't told me about Katharine and when he does I will tell him the truth I just have too. On the flight back we found an other way to spend the time. I'm just very glad New York is a lot cooler that Greece and it is raining there now because if someone they will think I'm being abused why Dale from all the love bites. After we landed Dale gave his jacket to me. He must probably have the same thought as me. We got into a cab that took us to a big home. "Is this your house?" "Yes I lived here before I came back to Portland." His phone began to ring his face fell when he answered it. "Hello mother." She is screaming so loud that I could hear what she was saying. "Where the hell have you been why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" "I am sorry mother things were just a bit to mush to handle." "You didn't hurt yourself again?" "Sorry wrong choice of words mother what is wrong you sound stressed out." "When are you coming back?" "we are already back." "How fast can you get to New York?" "Why? What happened?" Next thing I know Dale falls to his knees looking as pail as a sheet in his face. I bend down and look him in the eyes "Dale what is wrong? what happened? You are scaring me." "It is Antony. he has been shot. He is in surgery but it doesn't look good." I took a sharp breath. "Where is the hospital I'll drive?" I stand up and try to pull him up. "How did you know he was here?" "Your mother shouted over the phone but I couldn't hear the last part. What is the hospitals name?" "St. Francis Hospital." "I know where that is." I drove Dale to the hospital and we were taken to the surgery room. I see a woman with a baby in her arms. "Jane are you alright what happened?" "Dale you are here thank goodness. It all just happened so fast." she started to cry. "Jane did you got hurt?" "No, I'm fine just still a bit in shock." she looks over to me. "I'm sorry how rude of me I'm Jane Cunningham." "I'm Ava I wish met under different circumstances." I look at the sleeping baby. "You have a beautiful son what is his name?" "Elijah." "That is a beautiful name." "How long have he been is surgery?" "Four hours." The baby starts crying. "I'm going to change him phone me immediately when his condition change." "I'll go and change him." "Are you sure?" "Yes." I take the bag and out it around my neck and take little Elijah to the toilets.

After I changed Elijah my phone starts to ring. "Hello I can't talk long so make it quick." "You are back earlier than expected I had to move up the plan." "What plan Josh all you told me is that you know someone with prove?" "Antony has the prove you want." "You bastard I can't believe I actually believed you. Antony is still in surgery thanks to your plan. If you ever call or come near me or Dale's family I will hire a hitman to kill you. Try and call my bluff I dare you." I hang up.


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