Pos gai afto to katalveinete afto?

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Boot camp was a week away. No one knew where it was or what to expect but all we knew was to pack old clothing, swimming wear and a few bandages. A few theories were white River rafting, other said mountain climbing but I just had a gut feeling that it was called boot camp for a reason. Everyone was so excited that we are going to miss three days of school. We depart Wednesday and come back Sunday. I wasn't sure if Ava was going to go because she stopped doing sports but I never asked her.


My mother always made French toast when I had nightmares so I'm making him some. I had terrible nightmares when I was younger. I wonder where we are going. My music is playing softly and I'm dancing to the music. As I twirl myself I suddenly feel Dale's arms around me. "Morning Ava. What are you doing?" I turn around and look into Dale's eyes. "What are you doing up, you're supposed to be sleeping?" "I woke up and I missed you." His arm around my waist pulls me closer to him and then he kiss me gently on my lips. "Breakfast is ready." "Good, because I'm starving."

"How did you know that I liked French toast?" Dale asked looking surprised at me. "I didn't know but when I was younger I had terrible nightmares and then she would always make French toast in the morning." "You had nightmares? About what?" "I haven't talk about it in two years but I started having nightmares after my father died." "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." "It is fine. It is good that I still can talk of him even though he isn't here anymore." "If I may ask how did he die?" "There was I time that I was on the point of dying and the medical funds has stopped paying so he worked two jobs seven days a week to get the money. One night he was on his way to his second job when he lost control of his car the wheel burst and he died in a car crash." "That is terrible I'm sorry." "Can we talk about something else? Like where are you taking me?" "That will be a surprise."


"Why am I not surprises that you have your own plane? Okay I am surprised." "Wait till you see the inside." We walk into his private plane. It is beautiful. There are two TV's and etc. "Wow. Do you fly a lot?" "I go once in a while on business trip." "Is there no way you are telling me where we are going?" "No, but I will tell you it is beautiful, it is summer there and an eight teen hour flight." "So we are going to Europe. See if I just let you keep talking I will find out where." "Good luck with that." We take our seats and the plane starts to take off. I look over to Dale. His eyes are closed, his face is white and he is holding the chair so tight that I can see his knuckles turning white. We are at altitude so I unbuckle my seatbelt and sit next to Dale and take his hand. "Why is six afraid of seven?" "What" Dale asked confused. "Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine." I see his lips form a slightly smile. "Okay what does a house wear? Address. Parralel line's have so much in common it is shame they will never meet." He starts chuckling. "How did I do?" "It depends on what you were trying to do." "It worked I distracted you." "You did do you but I have a better distraction in mind." He leans in we kiss. Then turbulence.

I gave Dale some Ambien and he is asleep now. It is so quite. I have to remember what and why I had gone and meet Josh. I take out a pen and paper and start doodling. Soon the memories came like a flood. He didn't try to kidnap me he tried to save me. He wanted to tell me something important. Flying really tires you out. We have been flying ten hours. I close my eyes and starts listening to music. Turbulence woke me up again.

We are flying through a thunder storm. I feel Dale's body tense next to me and I take his hand. I like thunderstorms but this is taking it to the limit. "Dale, just breath we will be out of here in no time." "It's easy for you to say you don't have a fear of falling." "We are not going to fall and if you do I will catch you. I'm stronger then I look." "Stop your jokes are terrible." "No, they are not they are actually wise like the owl." "If you say so. Tu ne vas pas me faire rire." "Yes, I am going to make you laugh." "You can speak French?" "I can speak French, Spanish and Mandarin." "Pos gia afto to katalvainete afto?" "Pos gia what?" "Never mind." Oh it is on. "Qué fué lo que me dijiste?" "You are speaking Spanish now are you?"Sí lo soy." You are so cute when you are mad. I asked if you understand what I ask." I only look at him like I don't believe him. "I asked it in an old language." I still don't say anything, I just look at him. "Are you giving me the silence treatment now?" I keep quiet. "I know how to get you to talk again." He takes my hand and start kissing it and slowly moving up to my neck. I am smiling now. "I will get you to talk before this plane lands." I give a look that say good luck with that.

"Tommy used to work on the docks, Union's been on strike. He is down on his luck. It is though, so though. Gina works at the diner always day. Working for her man. She brings home her pay for love. For love." Oh how did he know I love that song?" She says: we got to hold on to what we got cause it doesn't make a difference if we make or not. We've got each other and that's a lot for love we will give it a shot." I can't help but to sing along. "Oh we're halfway there oh living on a prayer. Take my hand we'll make it I swear oh living on a prayer."

"See I know I could detract you with my clothes on." "You are clever. I can't believe you almost got me threw a whole flight without getting myself drunk." I let that statement slip. What did he mean? The pilot announced. "We will be landing in fifteen minutes, please fasten your seatbelts." "I see you also told the pilot not to announce where we will be landing." "I told you it is a surprise bur I know you are going to love it there. Plus we are visiting my father." "What! We are visiting your father why would you not tell me that? What if he doesn't like me?" Dale's hand slips into mine. "Hey, relax he is not like my mother not anymore. He doesn't have to like you, that is my job and I don't just like you I'm in love with you."

The plane slowly started to descend. My hand still being held by Dale's I look over to him. He looks pail and worried. "Hey, stop worrying nothing is going to happen to the plane and we are going to be fine." I try to re-ashore him. "If anyone should be worried it is me after all I am meeting your father." "And I told you that you shouldn't worry about meeting my father either. He has changed a lot since Antony left for university a few years ago." The thought just occurred to me. "Is your father here on business?" I see his face expression change but he tries to cover it with a smile. "No, he lives here." "Oh." It was all I could say. It was all that I could think off. "It is complicated. Things happened between my mother and him and a divorce would ruin the business so he chose to come live here." The plane lands and we get off the plane. It is night time. Outside a man waits for us. "Mr. Cunningham your father sent me to come get you and take you to the hotel. He said he is sorry for the incovince and that he will be joining you tomorrow." "Thank you Tomas." We get into the car and Tomas slowly starts to drive away. "Dale could you please tell me where we are now." "Sure we are in Mykonos." "Where is Mykonos, Dale?" "It is in Europe." 'Where in Europe? Stop and tell me please where we are." "Okay, we are in Greece."

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