The real story

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Dale what are you doing? Katharine asked as Dale picked her up and laid her on the bed. I'm steeling you of course. Dale answered playfully. Oh yeah where are you going to take me? Katharine teased. She and Dale have been going out for three months but her father didn't like Dale and was doing everything to keep him away from him. So Dale decided to run away with Katharine. "It is a surprise but you should pack warm clothing just in case it gets cold." "Okay." She was a bit skeptic on where they would be going. She felt something bad is going to happen. That this was a mistake but she ignored her gut feeling and went with Dale.

They ran away to London where they stayed in his father's old house. They stayed there for two weeks then they went to Paris. Where they stayed in his apartment. Where they lived loving each other being care free. They stayed in bed passed midday. Went to sleep late in the morning. They watched old movies, kissing and cuddling under the covers. One morning Antony showed up at their door he was furious at Dale they fought. Antony was stronger than Dale and he won. Antony was worried sick about Katharine. It turns out they was seeing each other behind his back. Katharine tried to explaining but Dale was devastated and left them to be on his own. His bond, trust and love for his brother was filled with hate, disgust and revenge. That night he got kicked out of every bar for starting fights. He just wanted the pain to stop. His heart was broken by his first love. After that day something in him snapped. He made a promise to never get close to a girl again; to use them like his love used him. That was before he met Ava again.

A week later he found a letter in his post box it was from Katharine she told him what happened that she was drunk one night and things went too far with his brother. She tried to stop seeing Antony but she couldn't. She is sorry for the pain that she has caused and she would understand if he hates her and never want to see her again. The next day Antony kept calling Dale and kept knocking on the door till Dale opened up. He told Dale that he is worried about Katharine. That she had locked herself in her apartment. She says she is fine but he knows there is something wrong. With some more persuading Dale went to her with some ingredients for soup.

"Open up Katharine. I know you are in there." No answer. "Please open up. I brought you some soup. I am not mad at you please open up." Something is wrong. "You know I will break down this door if you don't open." He heard a thud. The sound made his heard stop. "One... Two... Three." He broke down the door and all you could hear is the tins and food hit the ground. He stood there frozen for a few seconds. He ran to her.

"Katherine say something don't leave me." He ripped his shirt and binds her pulse to stop the bleeding. Her body was still warm. He saw empty pill containers and a few bottles of wine. She was dying. He took her into his arm. Only when he was outside he saw how she really looked. Her lip was bruised, eye black and swollen and a big hand mark around her neck. He put her in his car and drove. He drove over every stop sign, over every red light, over a 100mph. He was caught by every traffic camera. It was not long till the police were on his tale. He could care less to pay a fine but he had to save Katharine. He pulled into emergency and picked her lifeless body up and ran into the hospital. "Someone please help me!" He screamed.

A nurse ran up to him with a gurney. "Sir Can you tell me what happened? What is her name?" "Katharine Reed. I went to her apartment heard a thud so I broke her door down and saw her on the floor unconscious and bleeding." He placed her on the gurney. The nurse has shown a light in her eye. "Do you know if she took anything?" "There were pill and wine bottles near her." They took her into the ER room. He sat down in a chair his legs suddenly felt weak. He sat with his hand over his face, his elbow on his knees, hunched over; he tried to keep the tears away. He heard footsteps near him. "Mr. Cunningham could you please rise." He looked up and saw a police officer. He stood up. "Can I help you with something?" "You are under arrest for reckless endangerment and the attemtive murder of one Katharine reed."

Ava's POV

"You what?" He took a breath and let it out slowly. "We dated for about three months. Her father tried to split us up so we went on vacation. One day my brother showed up, freaked out and worried sick about Katharine. It turns out they had been seeing each other behind my back for two months. I ended the relationship right there."

He took another breath and released. "About a week later Antony came to me telling me he is sorry but he is worried about Katharine. He hasn't seen her in five days. He told me that she told his she is sick and don't want him to catch a cold but he knew it was a lie. He convinced me to go and see her. See I was still very much in love with her. When I got to her apartment there was no answer but I know that she was in there. I broke the door down only to find her luke warm, lifeless body. I took her to the hospital and that night she died. I was arrested for her murder but then later released. Due to lack of evidence."

His body tensed. "It turned out her father was abusing her and after she ran away with me he was furious and when she got home he flipped. She had four broken ribs and was in terrible pain. She took enough pills' to kill an elephant. She took them with wine before she cut her own wrists."

I took Dale's hand in mine and looked up at him. "That was not your fault. You didn't kill her." His eyes held so much emotion, sadness, regret. "I'm sorry I haven't told you sooner. I didn't know how to tell you. It is just I love you so much and I don't know what I would do if I lost you." "Hey, you are not going to lose me. I am way too much in love with you then I expected." Dale looks at me and smiles. "You are in love with me?" "Why are you still asking?" "I wrap my arms around his neck and place a kiss on his lips.

Later that night I lay awake, staring at the ceiling with Dale's arm draped over me. I couldn't switch my mind off. I was thinking, thinking about us. Dale and I. Is there ever going to be an us? No wonder he didn't told me about Katharine. He found his girlfriend beaten overdoses and cut her own wrists. I wanted to ask what happened to her father if he got arrested or what? But it isn't my place and I don't want to cut open an old wound and put salt in. I could see it took a lot to tell me about Katharine, how am I going to tell him that Josh and I have been in contact? That Antony and I are half blood? That he and his brother are half blood? That his mother and my father had an affair? That she sold part of the company to a stranger, me, and wanted to stalk the owner? That she paid Josh to do it? That I own more than half of his company? All this thinking is giving me a headache. When and why did my life became so confusing?

"Can't sleep?" Dale asks half asleep. "Yea, sorry if I waked you." He sat up straight. "It is fine. Are you alright? You look a bit pail." "I think I'm starting to get flu or something. I have a slight headache." "Tomorrow I will take you to a doctor." "Okay thank you but I'll go to a pharmacy." We both lay down again. I rest my head on his chest. His one arm is wrapped around me. Sleep over takes my body slowly as Dale plays with my hair. Just before sleep over takes my body I made my decision. I am going to tell Dale everything tomorrow. Nothing and no one is going to break us apart I will make sure of it.


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