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Chapter Three


Another boring day, Aqua thought to herself. She was seated at the end of the classroom, the seat next to her was empty. History had always been so boring to her, she much rathered reading about mystery things than actions that happened hundreds of years ago. She yawned just as the bell rang and hopped off her seat, grabbing her bag and rushing out of the classroom. She remembered that her math book was in her locker, which was far away from the math class. Aqua grunted as she forced her feet towards her locker.

With another sigh, she slammed the locker door shut. Slightly jumping in frighten as she saw Trevor standing behind her. "Whats with the bad mood?" He chuckled, playfully nudging Aqua's elbow. "I wish I knew." Aqua replied truthfully. She slightly pushed his shoulder as he chuckled and watched Aqua pass by him to go to her class.

She sat next to Alice who had her head on the table, Aqua made sure she was sleeping as she heard her snoring. After a few minutes Aqua felt a bit dizzy, she felt as if she was on a boat in the middle of the sea. She stood up hesitantly as she slowly made her way towards Mr.Collin's desk, making sure not to trip over some of the student's bags. After safely making her way towards his desk, Mr.Collin turned his attention from the papers he was correcting to Aqua.

"Yes Ms.Moon, can I help you?" He asked her, a warm smile plastered across his face.

"Uh, yeah.. I feel a bit dizzy, can I please go to the Nurse's office?" She quietly spoke, images in front of her turning blurry. She blinked her eyes a few times to see properly, and sure enough Mr.Collins was looking at her worriedly.

"Sure you may go, are you ok by going on your own or do you need someone to help you?" He asked Aqua, who was currently holding tight onto his desk to prevent her from falling on the ground. "No im fine." She nodded her head as she quickly made her way out of the door and towards the Nurse's office.

When Aqua entered the Nurse's office her eyes got heavier and she thought she was going to collapse until the Nurse got a hold of her arm, steadying her up and taking her to sit on a chair. "What had happened to you my dear?" She gasped as she asked Aqua worriedly, but she couldnt reply. Her tongue felt heavy and her body was in a slight pain and it was weak.

When Mrs.Black noticed how pale her face was she immediately realised what was wrong. "When was the last time you had eaten anything, love?" She quietly asked, grabbing a glass of water and handing it to Aqua. She drank it and nodded her head as a thank you before answering her question. "T-two days ago." Aqua desperately tried to speak. The nurse frowned as she gave Aqua some more water to drink. "You need to get back home and eat something sweetie, its not good for your health. Look at how pale your face is." Aqua nodded her head in agreement.

After almost half an hour of laying down and drinking enough water, she carefully got up from the bed that was there in the office and walked towards Mrs.Black's desk. She felt a bit better but she knew she had to go back to her house and get some rest.

Mrs.Black gave her permission to leave early, and so Aqua left the room to notice that lunch time has come by. The hallways were crowded by students trying to make their way to the cafeteria or the parking lot to smoke. Aqua spotted Alice and she quickly grabbed her by her arm, pulling her towards another hallway.

"Hey whats up?" Alice smiled.

"I just wanted to let you know that im going back home because im not feeling very well."

Alice nodded her head, not bothering to ask anymore questions because her headache was starting to get worse. They hugged one last time as Alice went to the left, going to the lunch room, and Aqua went to the right, to go to the parking lot. She felt so lucky to have borrowed her brother's car for today.

Aqua has a driving licence but she doesnt have a car, thats why she usually borrow's Luke's car if she's going somewhere. Mostly because Luke would refuse to wake up in the mornings to drive her to school so she ends up taking his car, like today.

She was walking slowly towards her car, her eyes looking for the keys in her bag, before she heard a horn. Her eyes snapped to her left, seeing a red truck coming towards her. The driver seemed to have lost control of the breaks because he looked so afraid as he kept stepping on the break to stop the car from hitting Aqua and sending her a hundred foot away. Aqua's eyes widened in horror, she couldnt move from her place. It was as if her feet was sticked to the ground, she tried to move or runaway before the car slams into her but her feet wont move.

She closed her eyes as she heard the car come closer, thinking of going to where her mom was. Finally seeing her for the first time in two years. Until a very hard, rock-like object slammed into her. No, it wasnt a car, Aqua thought. She opened her eyes to find herself laying on the ground with a heavy body on top of her, hands surrounding her head protectively and the face of her savior burried in her neck. He lifted his head up, only to be heard by Aqua's long gasp. His eyes, the same blue eyes she had dreamed about and had seen in the woods. The same unique color of dark blue eyes were staring into her brown ones.

Unfortunately, the stare didnt last long as the body of her savior jumped off of her and walked away. The weirdest thing ever had happened. He just saved her life and walked away? Aqua couldnt get that out of her mind, why would he just leave without another word?

Her mind immediately snapped out of it, she looked to her left. The same red car had stopped and a guy hopped out of it, breathing heavily.

"Oh my god are you okay? I am so sorry, I lost control on my breaks and I couldnt stop the car. Shit, are you ok?" He asked Aqua worriedly. She nodded and he held his hand out for her. Aqua felt herself flush in embarrassment remembering she was still laying on the floor. She took his hand and stood up only to feel a sharp pain in her wrist, she winced as she looked at it. A large purple bruise started to form on her wrist, probably from the fall, she thought.

Aqua looked around, and luckly they havent attracted much attention. Only a few people were standing near them in shock, asking her if she was ok. She nodded her head as she grabbed her bag off the floor and headed to her car. The guy apologised one last time before smiling and going back to his car.

All Aqua could think about while driving back to her house was those blue eyes. They were different, they were full of emotions. Happiness, care, love, hate, and a hint of sadness too.

She entered the kitchen and made herself a sandwich. Aqua sat at the couch in the living room, turning on the Tv and watching as she carefully ate. After she was done with her sandwich, Aqua went to the kitchen again and opened the freezer, grabbing ice and putting it in a plastic bag. She held the ice on her hand, but once the coldness had touched her skin she winced a bit before getting used to it. She kept it on her wrist while watching a movie, minutes later her eyes got heavy and she was finally going to get the sleep she didnt get yesterday.





Love you.


Blood Moon - (discontinued)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα