20- A back stabber

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Chapter Twenty.


''Alright. Aqua, its your turn.'' Doctor Henry said with a smile as Austin stood from the couch and headed to take a seat next to Peter. 

The doctor had cleaned all his cuts and even had to stitch some, then he told Austin to take a pack of ice to put of the bruised parts of his face, or even body.

Aqua sat down on the chair in front of the doctor, she was never a fan of hospitals or doctors. Her mother's death caused her to dislike and feel uncomfortable towards lots of things. Hospitals and doctors the first, because she had to watch them try bringing her mother back to life by many ways that she knew would've hurt her mother if she was still feeling anything back then.

Aqua took in a deep breath, trying to clear her mind of the haunting memories of her past, and smiled to the doctor.

''I see you had done a great job cleaning your cuts, but a few might need stitches.'' Henry smiled as he got the objects from his bag.

''Peter, come with me to the kitchen, i need to speak to you.'' Austin whispered softly, but apparently it wasn't soft enough because Aqua had heard it, and she knew her curiosity would soon win and she would follow them to eavesdrop.

Aqua's attention was soon back to the doctor when she felt the needle touch her skin and she winced in pain.

''Did that hurt? I'm sorry, just try to distract yourself with other stuff and it will soon be done.'' Henry smiled as he carefully continued his job of stitching the cut on Aqua's left eyebrow.

Aqua started thinking of every possible thing that might happen to distract her attention away from the pain she was feeling. Her thoughts soon traveled to Luke, and her father. Are they worried? Have they even noticed her disappearance? If so, have they searched for her? Probably called the cops? What would they do if they saw her now with all those cuts and bruises? 

''All done.''  Henry smiled as he clapped his hands, Aqua laughed at how he treated her like a child.

''Thank you so much Dr.Henry.'' 

''No problem, sweetheart. Now tell me where else hurts you?'' The doctor asked Aqua as he put the objects back inside his bag.

''Umm, my ribs hurt a bit.'' Aqua winced as she touched her ribs.

''Oh, well do you mind if i see it please?'' Henry asked with a smile. Aqua's eyes went wide open, she never liked to remove her shirt in front of somebody, the memory is still there.

''Its OK, I'm a doctor, i need to see it to make sure its not broken or anything.''

Aqua hesitated for a second, then she drifted her attention to the kitchen door, it was closed. They wont come out, she assured herself. Slowly, Aqua raised her shirt, until it reached below her breasts, and stopped. She stared at the doctor, hoping he wouldn't notice the big scar just below her rib cage on the left side while he was examining her ribs.

She winced once his fingertips touched the place where got the hits the most.

''Well, you're lucky there are no broken ribs, would you like to tell me how it happened?'' He asked.

Aqua panicked, was he talking about the scar or the hit? The doctor turned to look at her once again. ''Aqua, how did you hurt your ribs? Did you fall on your escape or did they hurt you there?'' He asked once again.

''N-no. No, i didn't- i mean they hit me there, he punched me several times, his aim was for my stomach but it hit my ribs a few times instead.'' Aqua almost whispered.

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