10- It wasn't a dream

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Chapter Ten


''Well if it isnt the future Alpha girl.'' The cold raspy voice spoke. Alpha? They surely are mistaken, Aqua thought.

Just as she was about to speak, she felt a very warm hand caress her cheek. Aqua turned her head to the side to provide who she assumed to be her kidnapper from touching her, which only led him to chuckle at her response.

Aqua felt the blinds slide down her face and stop on her neck. She blinked her eyes rapidly until her vision adjusted to the light. She stared at the tall muscular man stood in front of her with a mischievous grin spread across his face.

''W-who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me?'' Aqua stuttered, obviously she was afraid, which made the man have more fun.

''Its always the same questions. Who are you, what do you want?'' The man mimicked Aqua's voice as he laughed out loud. ''Now tell me pretty girl. What are the fools planning for this year? They dont actually think they can make it this year can they?'' He laughed.

''I dont know what youre talking about, now let me go.'' Aqua demanded furiously.

''Feisty, i see. Thats what attracted Austin huh?'' He smirked. Aqua felt relieved for a moment at the mention of his name.

''You know Austin?'' She asked hopefully. She wasnt sure why her hopes went high.

 Before the man could say anything else, the door burst open and another boy who seemed to be the same age as Aqua walked in, telling him that something happened and he needs to go. The tall muscular man took one last glance at Aqua and he smirked. ''Dont get to comfortable pretty girl.'' He whispered before turning around and walking towards the door.

He switched the lights off before closing the door and locking it. Aqua stared at the door, expecting him to walk in and tell her it was all just a joke, but he didnt.

Aqua felt her eyes getting heavier by second, she blinked rapidly to stop the lack of sleep from taking over her mind. She tried everything to stay awake, she bit her lips, pinched her arms, moved her hands so the rope would dig into her flesh, anything that would get her mind off of the thought of sleeping. 

Unfortunately, it didnt work. Moments later, Aqua closed her eyes and her head fell forward, the sleep took over.


''Aqua, my baby girl.'' Aqua heard the beautiful voice she had been craving to hear for years. The voice that would visit her only in her dreams, the voice she had almost forgotten. 

She looked up, to find herself standing on a cliff, the cold wind blowing through her hair. She stared at the beautiful woman in front of her, wearing a long white dress and her dark blond hair moving along with the wind. ''Mom?'' Aqua asked, shocked.

''Yes darling, its me'' Her mother smiled warmly. ''Mom!'' Aqua yelled before rushing over towards where her mom was standing, only to fall over and hit her head of the cold ground. 

''Aqua!'' A familiar voice yelled from far away. Aqua looked around, to find herself in the woods instead. Her mother was standing near a tree, staring at her.

''Mom, im scared.'' Aqua whispered as she got up from the ground, fresh warm tears sliding down her face. 

''Dont be baby, your savior will come, just believe.'' Ellen cooed her daughter, before getting interrupted. 

''Aqua!'' The same voice called, the voice that Aqua had heard before but couldnt remember who it was. 

''Aqua, your necklace sweetheart. Dont ever regret the move youve made. You gave it to the right person, and he will come to save you just like he did before.'' Her mother whispered as she started to fade.

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