17- Give, or take

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Chapter Seventeen


Aqua's eyelids fluttered open, she blinked rapidly, trying to look for a source of light in the dark room. She looked around, seeing nothing but a bit of light from under what looked like a door.

Suddenly, Aqua heard a shuffling noise from the other side of the room. Her head snapped to the left, trying to make out the other figure.

A loud groan could be heard, which frightened Aqua more. Her eyes were wide open, turning her head from right to left, while struggling with each rope that was holding each of her arms on the armchair.

"Aqua.." A voice whispered sleepily. She turned her head to the left, towards the place where the voice came from. The voice she thought she would never hear again. The beautiful, calming yet a bit raspy voice of Austin.

"Austin." She breathed out in relief.

Aqua started to move her arms, trying to release them from the hold of the ropes. She soon realized her legs were attached to the legs of the chair too, making her freedom harder to reach for.

"Aqua, could you come over to where I am? Follow my voice." Austin almost whispered, aware that there might be someone outside guarding the door and he might hear them.

"Do you seriously think they would leave me free here to come and save you once your up and then runaway together? Im frozen in my seat with ropes around my arms and legs just as you are!" She almost yelled. Feeling her fear turn into anger towards what they would want from them this time.

"Would you calm down? I thought they wouldnt hold you since youre weak and cant fight them anyways." Austin stated the obvious, but it clearly wasnt the answer Aqua wanted.

"Dont flatter yourself. Just because youre a bit stronger than me doesnt make you any better."

"And when did I say it would make me any better?"

"Just drop it! We're trapped here and nobody knows! How the heck are we supposed to get out of here now? And I mean get out of here safe and alive, not in a garbage bag and get thrown at some place where no one would find our dead bodies!" Aqua raised her voice, panic evident in her voice.

"We wont-"

The click of the doorknob cut Austin off. Suddenly the door jolted open, and the lights were switched on, blinding them.

They looked at the door, seeing three men standing there. In the middle was the one who had kidnapped Aqua before.

The men walked into the room, swiftly closing the door behind them. Two of the men stood at each side of the door, hands behind their backs, standing like soldiers waiting for a command from their captain.

"Jason." Austin muttered under his breath, his features turning into anger and fury.

"Ahh, what a pleasure to have you here. And you two, love. I gotta admit I missed  you a bit when you left last time." Jason smirked as he made his way towards Aqua.

"Do not touch her." Austin warned.

"Or else what would you do? In case you havent noticed, your hands are tied with an iron-like rope. You have a special drug running through your veins that would stop you from shifting. So as far as I know, Austin, you are in no position to warn me not to touch her." Jason smirked once again. Austin stayed quite, glaring at him. Making sure to show no fear.

Jason bent down until he was in an eye level, staring into Aqua's eyes with a smirk plastered on his face. "So, shall we see how many days our loving visitors would handle living here?" He asked.

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