7- A secret is out

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Chapter Seven


Party day. Aqua Moon took one last glance at the full mirror in front of her, she wore a black jeans and neon pink shirt with Luke's leather jacket on top, the one she sneakily stole. Luke slammed her bedroom door open, yelling for her to hurry up or else they will be late. It was 6 pm, and the party starts at 7, a whole hour to go.

Aqua walked down the stairs, a bright smile spread across her face. It has been a long time since she had gone to party, and this was her first party in England. All she hoped was for it to go well, even though she barely knows anyone here.

Luke and Aqua climbed the car, grinning before Luke yelled ''Lets get this party started!''

Aqua turned the radio on, playing some crazy rock song. They started yelling along with the song, singing the lyrics and screaming for no reason. ''If someone could see us from outside the car, they'd think we have some serious mental problems.'' Aqua yelled for Luke to hear, the volume was the highest which made the whole neighborhood hear the song, but come on, you only live once!

''Hah, i bet they already have.'' Luke chuckled as he pointed to Aqua's right. She turned around to find a group of little girls around the age of 8 staring at them. They both burst into laughter when one of the girls headed towards the house, she looked really scared.

A few minutes later, Luke parked the car in front of a house. It looked so beautiful, and there were other cars parked there too. The music was so loud, you could hear it from the end of the neighborhood.

''Ugh man, see i told you we're going to be late. But no, you had to take a whole hour to dress up. Girl this isnt even prom-'' Luke started babbling but Aqua shut him up by stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut.

''Oi! Dont you dare hurt my baby like that ever again.'' Luke yelled as he stepped out of the car. Aqua laughed as she pulled him by the sleeve of his shirt and walked towards the house.

The house looked even bigger from the inside. People were everywhere, dancing in the middle of the living room, each with a cup in hand. Luke pulled his little sister towards the kitchen, where a group of boys and girls were standing laughing and drinking.

''Aqua!'' Some familiar voice yelled from the corner of the kitchen. Aqua turned around to see Alice, she breathed a sigh of relieve. That means she does know someone here.

''Hey Alice.'' She smiled as Alice pulled her into a hug.

''What are you doing here? Please dont tell me you know my brother.'' She made a disgusted face which made Aqua laugh. Luke appeared from behind her, holding his hand out for Alice.

''Luke, Aqua's older brother. Kevin's your brother?'' He asked a bit shocked.

''Sadly, yeah.'' Alice sighed.

''Well Kevin never told me he had a beautiful young sister.'' Luke smirked as Alice's cheeks turned red.

''Ew Luke! Stop flirting with my friend!'' Aqua yelled as she pushed him. He laughed before heading to the living room to meet his other friends.

Almost half an hour passed by as Aqua and Alice kept gossiping, what every girl does. Alice excused herself to use the bathroom and meet some other friends of hers, while Aqua said she will be waiting for her in the kitchen.

She picked a can of soda and drank a bit of it, before someone tapped on her shoulder. Aqua turned around to meet the one and only Austin James.

''Hey, what are you doing here?'' He asked her surprised.

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