22- Plans

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Chapter Twenty-two

Aqua stepped into her house, slowly closing the door and locking it behind her. She turned around, gasping and flinching when she comes face-to-face with her brother. Actually, more like a really upset and unhappy brother.

Luke was standing, eyebrows furrowed and arms folded around his chest, tapping his foot on the floor, like a protective father waiting for an explanation from his runaway daughter showing up late at night. Aqua cracked a smile, waving her hand as a gesture of 'hello'.

''Where have you been?'' Luke demanded for an answer.

''I had a sleepover at Alice's, she called you, remember?'' Aqua played innocent.

''Why didn't you call me on your own?''

''I lost my phone.'' She quickly came up with a lie.

''How... Wait! What the heck happened to your face?!'' Her brother almost yelled, lifting his hand and resting his thumb on Aqua's lower lip, examining the little cut.

''I.. I fell.'' Aqua stuttered.

''How did you fall?!'' Luke's eyes were wide open, his hand slowly traveling to his sister's eyebrow, running his thumb over the stitches she got, making her wince and take a step back in response.

''It was late at night and i got thirsty, so i walked down the stairs to get to the kitchen but accidentally tripped and fell off the stairs. Its nothing serious, don't worry.'' Aqua slowly pushed his hand away, taking a step to the right to walk past him.

''How is it not a big deal that my little sister disappeared for 3 days and showed up with a bruised face... oh and has stitches and cuts on it?!" Luke sighed, following his sister into the kitchen.

''Alice already told you i was having a sleepover at her's and plus its not a big deal that i fell off the stairs, it happens.'' She shrugged.

''Did you go to the hospital? Why didn't you call me from there?'' 

''I didn't have to go to the hospital, Alice's mom is a nurse so she helped me out.'' Aqua lied, taking an apple off the counter.

''I  thought her mother was a lawyer?'' Luke asked confusedly.

''She is...'' Aqua trailed off, thinking of another lie. ''But she does know a few nurses... stuff.'' 

''Well you still should have told me.'' Luke sat on the chair, resting his elbow on the table.

''Its no big deal, Austin.'' Aqua sighed as she walked out of the kitchen.

Luke stared at the table in confusion. Austin? He thought. He got up and followed his sister who was about to climb up the stairs.

''Woah, woah. Hold on. What did you just call me?'' He asked. Aqua laughed.

''Not the time for your jokes, bro.'' She was about to take another step but Luke stopped her.

''No, im not joking. What did you just call me, Aqua?'' He hissed.

''What do you mean what did i call you? I called you by your name, Luke!'' She yelled, getting irritated by his odd behavior.

''No you didn't! You just called me Austin!'' 

''No i didn't!''

The sound of the front door's knob stopped their argument. They both turned around to see their father walking in. His face was a mix of confusion and tiredness, but as soon as he saw his daughter's face, it turned into hurt and worry.

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