5- The necklace

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Chapter Five


A whole week had passed by and Aqua havent seen Austin. Since the day at the forest, Austin hadnt shown up in school nor the woods. Aqua started to worry, maybe last time when he disappeared he was actually lost? All thoughts were killing her, but she had an idea of what to do. Tonight, she would go to the woods to look for him. Who knows? Perhaps she would see Wolfe, the brown haired wolf once again. Thats what she named him, Wolfe. Easy and simple.

School went by really quick, Aqua had finished her Math test easily. Of course with a few peeks here and there into her classmates' papers, along with Alice.

She had walked back home, to have some fresh air and think about what she will do tonight. She had never thought about it before going to the woods, but this time felt different. It felt as if she was on a rescue mission. Cheesy, I know.

Aqua waited all day, watching Tv and doing some of her school works while listening to music. She wanted to go to the woods at night, it would be a bit creepier but she didnt like going out much at day. Almost an hour passed by as Aqua laid on the couch watching Tv, she felt a bit dizzy and thought of taking a nap. Aqua's thoughts filled with ideas of how to spend her night at the forest looking for Austin, as her eyelids started to get heavier by second.


The sound of the front door being slammed closed startled Aqua which made her jump off the couch. She picked her phone off the table and checked the time, 7 pm. Aqua glanced at the door, to see her father walking straight towards the stairs, ignoring her. Aqua sighed, the last time she had spoken to her father was a week ago, when he showed up drunk and slapped her unintentionally. The same day she met Austin, who saved her life for the second time.

The memory reminded her that she has to go to the woods in about half an hour, after dinner so they wouldnt question where she had been. Actually it would be Luke who would ask her, Paul would just eat silently as usual. 

After dinner, which Aqua cooked once again, she headed to her room to change into a black hoodie and a navy blue short jean. Aqua felt the need to take both necklaces her mother gave her along. She thought it would keep her safe or something, as if she was going on a life threatening mission. Aqua had always loved living wildly, she lived everyday like there was no tomorrow. 

After heading to the door and sneakily locking it behind, she hid the key in her back pocket as she prepared for her new adventure. The saving Austin mission, Aqua giggled as she thought of the name. 

She headed off towards the woods, holding both necklaces that surrounded her neck protictively. Whenever she wore one of them she felt a connection between her and her mother, it was an odd feeling. Her mother had told her to give one of them to someone she truely cared about and trusted the most, but she hadnt found the right person until today. Today she knew who the right person was, even though she had just talked to Austin once, saving her life twice made her trust him with her life. As she already owed him her life.

At first, Aqua started walking slowly to the woods but then her pace got faster, she started running. She glanced at her right then her left as an idea popped into her head. She headed to the direction her and Austin last stopped, maybe he could be there? she thought. 

After a couple of minutes Aqua stopped, taking deep breathes to calm herself down. She looked around the place, making sure to take a loot at every space. Unfortunately, she didnt see Austin anywhere. She actually thought she was going to see him.

Aqua turned around annoyed by the fact that she didnt find him and came all the way here to find nothing. She walked through out the woods for a little while until she felt a bit tired, she glanced at her clock and it said 9:45 pm. Deciding to go back, Aqua turned around and headed towards the direction of the road. She never went deeper into the forest than her stop line, which would be at the tree that looked different than the others. It had grown in a different direction, it wasnt straight like the other trees. 

The young Moon trailed off towards her house once again, trying to convince herself that Austin will show up at school the next day. Few moments later she stopped when she heard a ruffling noise from behind her. She turned around slowly, but she didnt see anything. Aqua felt a furry yet a bit sharp object scratching her ankle. She looked down to be greeted by Wolfe. Aqua smiled in awe as she bent down on her knees to give him a quick hug. 

When she backed away to look at him, Aqua felt her stomach turn when she saw his eyes. Dark blue, with a hint of grey. She felt like she has seen them before, but not in those eyes. Those were eyes of a wolf, wide and different. 

Aqua then did the impossible, the one thing that felt stupid yet so right at the same time. She traced her fingers along her necklace until she got to the back of her neck, she unlocked it, making it fall into her palm. Aqua stared at the half moon hanging there, along with the galaxy colored circle. It looked like the most precious thing in the world, it was so beautiful. 

She glanced up at Wolfe, to see him looking at her confusedly. Aqua smiled, as she pulled the necklace up and brought it at the front of Wolfe. He backed away for a second, growling quietly thinking it was an object that would hurt him.

''Shh, i wont hurt you Wolfe, trust me.'' Aqua whispered to him assuringly. When she stepped a bit closer to him and he didnt back away once again, Aqua smiled.

She locked the necklace around his neck, smiling warmly while talking one last glance at the necklace then turning her gaze towards his warm eyes. Most wolves would look scary, they even would probably jump on you when the see you and hurt you. This wolf was different. He never did any moves to hurt Aqua, and it seemed as if he never would. It was confusing yet so sweet.

''There" Aqua smiled at him, before shaking his head and getting up. ''Well i've better get going Wolfe. See you another day.''

She turned around and started walking towards the road. Minutes later, when she was closer to the road, Aqua lifted her head up taking a look at the full moon. She smiled sadly as she whispered to herself ''Mom, i have found my protector.''






Stay Fabulous B)


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