24- Preparations

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Chapter Twenty Four

''Alright, is everything ready?'' Austin exclaimed as he walked into the room filled with the pack members.

''Yes, we're all ready.'' One of the guards said.

''We have less than an hour left.'' Austin said as he walked towards the door. ''You all better be ready and taking your positions there by then.'' 

Austin walked out of the door, Peter by his side. They walked towards their car and hopped in. 

''What are you going to do bro?'' Peter asked after a moment of silence.

''Make sure she's safe.'' 

The drive towards their destination took about 15 minutes, a short yet filled with tension and uncomfortable drive. The boys stepped out of the car, walking towards Alice's house. Austin knocked on the door, knowing that if he had rang the doorbell Aqua would wake up. 

''I still don't know what the plan is, you know. How'd she end up sleeping over here?'' Peter asked confusedly. As far as he knew, Austin and Alice had made up a plan just the two of them knew, a plan to keep Aqua safe.

''The plan was to have Aqua get a sleepover here for Alice to make sure she's safe, and now we'll make sure she goes to a safer place. Somewhere no one from their pack would find her.'' Austin finished just as the door swung open.

Alice appeared with a tired smile, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Her expression caused Austin to furrow his eyebrows.

''Dont tell me you fell asleep all night and had just woken up.'' He grunted.

''No, Austin, i hadn't slept at all, maybe that's the reason why i look like a dead raccoon.'' Alice scowled, causing both Austin and Peter to smirk.

''Nah, you have always looked like one.'' Austin shrugged as he pushed her slightly to walk inside the house, earning a gasp of shock from Alice.

''You're so rude!'' She pouted. 

''Alright alright, where is she?'' Peter asked.

''Asleep upstairs.'' Alice pointed towards the stairs. 

''I'll go see her, you guys stay here so she wont wake up.'' Austin walked towards the stairs, taking slow steps, as if contemplating whether this was a good idea or not.

He did want to see her, but he knew that if he did so, it would be harder for him to stay away from her longer.

Once he reached the top of the stairs, Austin took in a deep breath and turned to his left. He walked towards Alice's room, and slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. 

 His gaze focused on the one person that mattered to him the most. He stared lovingly at his mate's angelic face, with her eyes shut and her lips slowly parted. 

Austin made his way to the left side of the bed, where Aqua was lying with her right arm under the pillow. He slowly raised his hand, contemplating whether it was the right move to touch her soft skin. 

Without another hesitation, he let his fingers slowly push a strand of hair on her forehead to the side of her face. His heartbeat almost came to a stop when his mate shuffled in her sleep, inching her face closer to the warm skin upon her's.

Austin couldn't stop the smile from crossing his features at how innocent she was, but soon enough the thought itself made his face twitch with an unpleasant emotion. 

She was too innocent to be handling things like that. Having to face werewolves, the creatures she grew up thinking were only in fantasy stories. The creatures she only saw pictures of in Disney Channel. 

She's too innocent to be loved by a monster, he thought. 

He slowly pulled back his hand, clenching it to a fist. Even though his wolf wanted him to stay beside his mate and protect her, he had to force himself to turn around and walk towards the door. 

Every step he took, was like another stab towards his heart. How can he be sure she would be safe without him by her side? What if they got to her and hurt her again?

The thought itself got his wolf growling in anger and wanting to jolt out. But he managed to control it, and remind himself that Alice would take good care of her. 

Austin stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door slowly behind him, but not fully. He left it a bit open in case Aqua woke up.

He walked down the stairs, meeting Alice and Peter in the living room. They sat on the couch, faces filled with an expression that held a bit of concern. In their hands was a cup with some coffee.

''Alright.'' Austin clapped his hand, getting their attention. ''Alice, you know what to do. When i text you, get out of the house and head to the cabin in the woods.  I'll have some guys watching over you two there to make sure nothing goes wrong. Make up an excuse as to why you want to take her there but do not, i repeat, do not let her know we are having the war. She needs to know nothing or else they will suspect she's there.'' He explained, watching Alice listen carefully and nod every once in a while.

''And as for you Peter, we shall go now. We need to take our places and begin before the sunset, that way it would provide us enough time to attack and get rid of enough shifters from their pack.'' Austin said as he walked towards the door. 

''Be careful, guys.'' Alice said with concern laced in her tone.

Austin turned around and smiled, waiting for Peter to come to his side too. ''You too, Alice. And take good care of my mate.'' 

''I will.'' She smiled, adoring the way he called her best friend his mate.

The boys both walked out of the door and towards the car. Making their way to the forest.


Shorter chapter and sorry for the late update... again. 

But prepare yourself, mah amazin readers, for the next chapter would most likely be mind blowing.

Hope you guys are liking it so far, and if you do, don't forget to vote and comment!

Stay tuned, lovelies.


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