14- Threats

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Chapter Fourteen


Austin took a step inside Peter's house, his eyes going wide open and his mouth falls open at the sight in front of him.

"Good, now youre here and so is everyone else." Peter says hurriedly, running a hand through his hair.

"What the hell has happened here?" Austin asks in disbelief.

The sight in front of him was too much to take in. Chairs broken and tables upside down. Tha Tv screen has cracks in it and the wires were cut in the middle. The couch had holes in it and the feathers from the pillows flying everywhere. It seemed like they have released a zoo into there.

"What do you think has happened? The Blacks thats for sure!" Sophia yelled in an exaggerated tone. She sat on the stairs, pulling her head in her hands, and breathing heavily. She was scared, terrified, thats was for sure.

"And their point is? They have never done such a thing before. If they wanted to claim the war they would just say it, or leave small marks. Not this big." Another shifter from their pack said. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, wandering around the scene in front of him.

"Well clearly they have changed their ways." Peters sighs.

Austin walks over, taking the insane scene in front of him. He looked through the rubbish, hoping to find at least one thing they havent destroyed. Unfortunately he didnt find any. Even the smallest of things, like a picture frame, a vase of flowers, even the Tv remote were scattered into broken pieces.

But all of this wasnt what won Austin's attention, something else did. A small piece of paper glued to the cracked Tv screen. A note, he thought.

Austin walked closer to it until he approached the Tv screen, he slowly raished his hand to take the note. He grabbed it and opened it, his eyes turning dark even before he read it. He already knew what was written in it, or so he thought.

"Give up on the war if you dont want to risk getting her hurt. Dont test us, you know we can do it. -T.B"

Austin grabbed a hold of the first thing that was next to him, which was an already broken chair. He raised it and smashed it into the floor, breaking the already cracked wooden piece.

Peter and Sophia hurried towards him, eyes wide in what seemed of confusion and fear. They couldnt even touch him to calm him down, his body was so tense and his hands were clenched in tight fists at his sides, crushing the little piece of paper.

Austin's eyes kept focused on the ground, dark and furious, full of anger and hate, but mostly fear. Fear of what they might do to her, the ways they could hurt her for revenge. Austin would never forgive himself if they ever caused any harm to Aqua.

With the hateful thoughts swimming in his mind, he lifted his hand up to Peter, slowly opening it. The crumbled yellow paper looked like it wouldnt have lasted another second in Austin's tight fists.

Peter's eyes moved towards Austin's hands, and he confusedly picked up the paper. He read it then handed it to Sophia, who has been eager to read what was written the second Austin opened his hands.

"Where did you leave her?" A voice brought Austin back to reality. He looked up and saw both of them staring at him curiously.

"In the cabin thats in the woods." He almost whispered. Sophia's eyes went wide open and Peter remained confused.

"The cabin?" She breathed out in disbelief.

"Yeah the cabin. Why are you so shocked?" Austin asked annoyed.

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