6- The suspicion begins

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Chapter Six


Just as the school bell rang, Aqua Moon stepped out of the car, saying her goodbyes to Luke as she walked away. She spotted Alice with her group of friends heading to their next class, but her eyes fell on the dark haired boy standing with a group of three boys and two girls on the opposite side of the road. He's here. 

Aqua couldnt contain her excitement, she was so glad Austin was fine. She walked towards him, tapping on his shoulder as the other brown haired guy smirked when he saw her. Austin turned around, a wide grin making its way to his face.

''Hey Aqua.'' He greeted her. Aqua gold ahold of his hand, pulling him away from his group of friends. She turned around to face him once she was sure they couldnt hear her, little did she know is that they could hear her even if she was a mile away. 

''Where the Hell have you been? You have no idea what i had to go through looking for you!'' She whisper-yelled at him, Austin looked amused.

''Uh, i was a bit busy in the past couple of days, so i couldnt come to school.'' He shrugged. Aqua could notice he was lying, by the way he stuttered, he wasnt a good liar. Instead of yelling at him for lying, Aqua's gaze fell on his neck. His top button was open which made his shiny silver necklace appear. Aqua gasped, it couldnt be.

''Austin, where did you get that necklace from?'' Aqua asked him, her eyes never leaving the silver necklace that a moon hung from it, her necklace.

Austin looked down, his face turned pale and his heart beating got faster. What lie could he tell now? ''I, uh, i had it since i was a little boy.'' He said.

''It cant be true. This necklace was handily made by a person my mom knows, and only two of them were made. They were given to me so how can you have one?'' Aqua whispered, almost as if she was asking herself.

She lifted her head up, turning her gaze from the necklace to his eyes, but his eyes werent staring at hers. His eyes were staring behind her, his eyebrows furrowed and a look of pure anger and hate were in his eyes. Aqua turned around, only to see Trevor staring at them, his arms crossed over his chest. He was smirking while staring at both Aqua and Austin while his two other friends seemed to be in a deep conversation.

When his gaze fell on Aqua, his smile got wider. Trevor said something to his friends before walking over towards where Aqua and Austin were standing.

''Hey there Aqua, Austin'' He nodded his head as the smirk never left his face. All this time Aqua thought about one thing, what had happened between them that made Austin so furious about Trevor being here. 

''Hey Trevor. How are you?'' Aqua smiled as she turned around to face him. He opened his arms and pulled her into a tight embrace, his eyes never leaving Austin to watch his expression. When they both pulled away, Aqua turned around to tell Austin that she will finish the conversation later, but found him already walking away. 

Just as she was about to follow him and ask him why he left, Trevor got a hold of her wrist making her stop. She turned around to face him, a confused look on her face. ''Dont follow him, he's not worth it.'' 

Aqua stared at him in shock, what does he mean he's not worth it. ''Have you ever spoken to him before? And what do you mean he's not worth it?'' She asked him. 

''Yes we used to be friends, and trust me when i say he's not worth all the risks.'' Trevor told her, shrugging.

''What risks?'' Every word coming out of Trevor's mouth made Aqua more confused.

''Never mind Shortie, time to go for class.'' He smiled as he shoved her playfully towards the school's entrance. ''Hey, im not short.'' Aqua protested.

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