11- Explanation

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Chapter Eleven



Promises are made to be kept, but thats not what people these days do. People now make promises that would be broken in a short time. There are just a few people who actually keep their promises. Only a few groups, like The Elders' group. The pack Austin had grown with, his future pack.

Aqua took a seat beside Austin on the couch. After the earlier events that had happened, they all went back to Peter's place. Peter had felt sorry that Aqua had to see him at the worst state. At the time he didnt want anyone to see him, because it wasnt actually him. It was his wolf taking over, controlling his brain instead of him. All he could do was obey him, obey his wolf.

''Aqua, dont you need to call your dad or your brother? They must be worried.'' Austin asked.

''No, its ok. They wont notice my disappearance, trust me.'' Aqua assured him. He gave her a look of sympathy before he placed the bag of ice on top of her wrists.

''Austin im okay, really. You dont need to do this, its just a small bruise.'' Aqua pulled her hand away.

''I just feel like i need to make it up to you, im so sorry, please forgive me for bringing you into this mess.'' 

''This is like the hundredth time you apologize to me. Its fine quit apologizing.'' Aqua smiled. ''Now explain.'' She demanded.

Austin sighed as he remembered the promise he made earlier about explaining everything to her. 

''Princess, you just gotta know something. Im not supposed to be telling you this, not to anyone, but since i made a promise then i'll have to tell you. Because i never make promises i dont intend to keep.'' He winked.

''Alright alright now spit it out.'' Aqua said playfully.

''Remember the dream you had about me shifting into a whole wolf thing?'' He asked. Aqua nodded her head as she waited to see where this was taking her.

''Well it wasnt exactly a dream.'' Austin almost whispered, afraid to see her reaction. Once he thought he was lucky enough that she didnt hear him, her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open, but no words came out. ''Thats not it, it gets worse.'' Austin continued before taking a sip of his soda and sitting up straight.

''Well of course that led you to the fact that i can shift into a wolf. So yes im a werewolf. I have been one since the day i was born, but i couldnt shift until then day i turned fifteen. Its a tradition to the wolf blood, we cant shift before turning fifteen. Maybe i should start at how the whole turning into a wolf thing happened, but i'll just tell you what i can remember. Hundreds of years ago, there was a curse made. A curse upon my grandfather's grandfather, where when he'll get married, his first son would be half human half animal, but not any animal, of course they picked wolf. After he turned fifteen he started shifting into a werewolf, and thats when his dad realized it was the curse. Of course being a werewolf would lead his son to become a werewolf too, because its in his blood. It kept passing through generations by bloodline, until this day forward.'' 

''I still dont get the reason why i got kidnapped.'' Aqua cut him off. ''I'll get to that part just hold on.'' Austin took a deep breath.

''A few years after the curse, we discovered another wolf blood family, but they were different. They werent the same as us, they were much bigger, much stronger, and they shift only when the moon is red. This happens only a few times a year, and when the time comes, its really bad. Both packs, The Elders which is the pack im in, and The Blacks, get into a war of blood. Our pack is bigger than theirs of course, but they are much stronger and just one wolf of theirs can kill a dozen of us. We lose many people, many courageous men that gave up their everything, their family, their wives and kids, and came to fight. We lose some young men fighting to save their families' lives.'' 

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