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a silvery light streams in through y/n's bedroom window. the sudden sunlight shining on her face wakes her up. rubbing her eyes to wake herself up more, she moves her curtain to look at the weather.

an overcast day.

the sky looks like it has a gray sheet tossed on top of it, and the world appears to look like she's looking through some extremely boring silver-toned filter.

through the gray, she sees her colorful, colorful, garden.

and upon seeing the garden; y/n remembers everything that happened earlier this morning.

y/n springs out of bed, not even bothering to grab her phone or put on her slippers. she can't wait to tell the news to her grandfather, who she knows is awake downstairs. . most likely watching the news.

"grandad! grandad!" y/n says unintentionally loud, catching her grandfathers attention.

"good morning dear. ." after only a second her grandfather's face lights up in excitement.

"did you catch him? did you get any evidence?" her grandfather leans in excitedly,

"yes!. . well sort of. ."

"what do you mean?"

y/n sits down beside her grandad, turning to face him.

y/n tells him about the events that took place early this morning, from waking up at three to lying back in her bed and contemplating everything that had happened.

his facial expressions change with the parts of the events y/n tells him about, as if everything that occurred was something out of a story book.

y/n finishes; as many questions are already flooding her grandfathers mind.

"so she doesn't even like him back and he's stealing?"

"yeah, kinda dumb right?"

"kinda dumb? i think it's pathetic. ." y/n's grandfather shakes his head.

"do you really think he knows what the flowers meanings are?"

"he might not, it could be coincidental. . but it's awfully ironic how the flowers meanings have a relation to his situation. besides, he could've always googled the meanings of them." y/n states,

"googled?" her grandfather questions,

"looked on the internet for the meanings of the flowers."

"ohhh. . ."

"well, i'm going to go get ready. ." y/n sighs, standing up from the couch.

"alrighty. ." her grandfather hums, turning his attention back to the news.

as y/n is getting ready for school, thoughts about things that could happen today ponder her brain. should she speak up and say something to jimin? or should she wait until she catches him red handed?

y/n tries to put herself in jimin's shoes but,
she can't.

she doesn't understand why he can't just choose different flowers that he can purchase from jin oppa's shop. jin might be out if dark-red carnations but he isn't out of yellow tulips.

y/n sighs and wonders,
has jimin tried putting himself in her shoes?

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sorry for the uneventful chapter!

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