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the boy walks into the small shop, letting the cool air and the floral scent take over him as the little bell on top of the door jingles.

"hello, welcome to– oh, jimin?" seokjin says, cutting himself off and the giving the younger boy a confused look. jimin waves in return, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"yeah, hey hyung." jimin smiles sheepishly as seokjin glares at him.

jimin knows why seokjin's upset with him. he's sure that namjoon told seokjin what jimin was doing, the two are best friends after all.

"i don't want to talk to you unless you tell me that you've stopped stealing y/n's flowers." seokjin states, crossing his arms.

"i haven't taken any since the time namjoon stole them for me, and i don't plan on taking anymore." jimin replies, putting his hands up in defense as seokjin just nods.

"good. since i know you're not here to help me out with anything, what's up?" seokjin asks, placing the box of gardening tools he was carrying on a shelf before leaning against the counter and giving jimin his undivided attention.

"well, i actually wanted to ask you about y/n." jimin states shyly, looking away from seokjin to avoid the older boy's surprised and confused expression.

"what? why would you need to ask anything about y/n?" seokjin questions as jimin just shrugs, rocking back and forth on his heels awkwardly.

"well, uh. . no reason it's just. . ." the younger boy trails on, causing seokjin to smirk in realization.

"aww, does jimin have a crush on y/n?" seokjin teases, reaching out his arms to squish the younger boy's face as jimin pushes the older's hands away.

"a little one." jimin assures through gritted teeth, pouting afterward as seokjin continues to smile cheesily.

"so what do you want to know?" seokjin asks, as jimin just shrugs.

"i don't know really, just more about her personality i guess." jimin responds, as seokjin nods. placing his hand on his chin and thinking for a moment.

"well you see, y/n isn't a very readable person. she easily masks her emotions, and it's hard to tell what she's thinking. she's always been like that. y/n is smart and hardworking, and she's a really great person to talk to. she's also really good at listening." seokjin pauses for a moment, thinking about what to say next.

"although, i think it takes time for her to become completely comfortable with people. i mean you see how close her and yoongi are, but they've been friends for so long. however, i'm sure it's worth the effort getting to know
y/n, i'm positive she's an amazing best friend." seokjin finishes with a smile on his face as jimin nods.

jimin thinks for a moment, he remembers how y/n wasn't afraid to admit how great she thinks yoongi is. she talks highly about him whenever she can, and she's quick to say that he deserves to be thought highly of.

"how do her and yoongi get a long so well? i mean i get it, they've known each other for a long time but still, their friendship seems like something more than just knowing each other for a long time." jimin questions, a pout making it's way onto his face.

"isn't it obvious? they think so similarly. they're both hard working and passionate about what they like. not to mention, yoongi is good at masking his emotions as well. and they're both, for lack of a better term, really chill." seokjin finishes, as jimin rolls his eyes.

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