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"y/n! what took you so long, are you okay?" yoongi asks hurriedly, as y/n sits down in her usual seat beside him.

"calm down, i'm alright." y/n assures with a small smile, as yoongi dramatically lets out a sigh.

"you had me worried!"

"i'm sorry for worrying you, but everything is fine." y/n says gently.

"are you sure everything is alright? did someone say something to you?"

just then jimin walks into the classroom, making his way over to where hyeon, jungkook, and taehyung are.

he glances at y/n and smiles before quickly turning away embarrassed as he realizes she's looking at yoongi and not him.

"not really, everything's fine yoongi." y/n reassures, causing yoongi to nod.

y/n decides not to mention her conversation with jimin.

"oh, y/n, there is a music festival soon! you're going with me right?" yoongi asks happily, already knowing his best friend's answer but asking anyway.

"of course! i enjoyed the last two music festivals you took me to, they were a lot of fun!" y/n says giving yoongi a smile that's so radiant and flattering that it makes yoongi's heart flutter and causes his to cheeks flush.

he turns his face away from y/n quickly, pretending to look out the window.

"i'm glad to hear that." yoongi states softly as y/n continues to smile at him.

he's been y/n's friend for years, and he's always been able to push away the fact that he has a little crush on her.

he decided that maybe it's best for him to just focus on being her best friend.

but lately, it's more difficult for him for him to forget about his little crush on y/n.

he's not sure why, maybe it's because he's realized that y/n is probably one of the most amazing people he'll ever meet in his entire life.

she's so special to him, so important to him.

class starts everyone gets into their seats, waiting for the teacher to begin instruction.

"okay class, today we're working on a group worksheet. no more than three to a group," the teacher announces as she hands out the worksheets.

"please get into your group now." the teachers says once all of the worksheets are handed out.

"taehyung and i will work together, jimin and jungkook you two can work together!" hyeon states cheerily causing taehyung to smile brightly as jimin and jungkook nod pitifully.

everyone begins working on the worksheets.

jimin and jungkook try to ignore the loud laughter coming from hyeon and taehyung.

jimin stops looking at his paper and lets his eyes travel over to where y/n and yoongi are working.

he sees them sitting beside each other comfortably, talking to each other with smiles on their faces as they work on the worksheet.

jimin notices that every time y/n talks, yoongi stares at her with such fondness. he gazes into the girl's eyes so deeply, so full of adoration.

jimin also notices how every time yoongi talks, y/n stares at him with such reverence. she looks like she's really listening, like his words are the only thing that matters. almost as if she's intrigued by the things he's saying and the way he's saying them, even if he's just talking about the worksheet.

he remembers how earlier y/n told him that yoongi deserves to be thought highly of.

jimin can tell she really believes that, and all he had to do was look at them for two minutes to see that. he wonders what yoongi could possibly have that he doesn't?

what could make y/n think so highly of yoongi?

jimin wishes that someone would look at him like that, he wishes someone wouldn't be afraid to tell people how highly they think of him.

jimin's not so sure if that someone,
is hyeon anymore.


thank you all so much for 1k reads! i'm so so grateful for all of you continuing to read this story, i'm very glad you're enjoying it!

especially okeidi !!
you're the sweetest ever, you really are !!

every read, comment, and vote makes me so happy, i'm very thankful!

i'm so thankful for all of you,
i love and appreciate all of you guys!

thank you again!

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