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"does everything look good?" yoongi calls out to his best friend, who currently inspecting every inch of her garden to make sure nothing is missing.

with a satisfied grin, y/n turns to yoongi.

"everything looks good! not a thing is missing!" she states happily, making her way over to the boy.

"that's good!" yoongi smiles as y/n makes her way over to him so they can begin walking to school.

"yup!" y/n replies, a smile making it's way onto her face.

"you look pret– well uh, you look happy. .
i mean um– did you sleep well?" yoongi asks, stumbling over his words and becoming embarrassed.

"hm? oh yeah, i did sleep well! and i'm also happy about the whole jimin situation. i'm glad it's over!" y/n smiles, causing yoongi to smile as well.

"yeah, i'm glad it's over too."

y/n and yoongi make their way into the school, arriving a bit earlier than usual.

"i'll see you in class." yoongi smiles softly, giving his best friend a hug.

"see you yoongi." y/n says, turning to her locker as yoongi makes his way over to his own.

y/n sits her stuff down and quickly opens her locker, turning around again to pick her stuff back up.

she spots jimin.

he strides into the school building with so much confidence that it makes y/n question her own.

she felt so good about what she had said to jimin yesterday, but seeing him now, she feels almost inferior to him.

y/n continues to look at the boy, and becomes confused as to why he didn't take the usual turn he always takes to get to hyeon's locker, and instead keeps walking straight.

he keeps walking straight,
straight towards y/n's locker.

the girl's eyes widen as she slowly picks her stuff up, her hands feel sweaty and clammy as she holds onto her notebooks.

"shit, what if comes over here and completely embarrasses me? and why is he wearing sunglasses, that's not even allowed." y/n thinks as boy nears her locker.

she can't tell if he's looking at her since he's wearing sunglasses, but he's literally walking straight towards her so she assumes he is.

jimin makes it y/n's locker,
standing on y/n's left side.

she slowly turns to face him, as he takes off his sunglasses and coolly flicks his hair out of his face.

"good morning, y/n." jimin says, a forced smile making its way into his face.

/ /

sorry for the short chapter! but i'm getting over my writers block some so there will be some more updates in the coming days!

thank you for reading!!

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