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the girl blinks at him.

"uh, good morning jimin?" y/n questions, her words sounding more like as question rather than a statement. she takes a step away from him, but jimin takes a step forward.

"did you sleep well?" jimin asks, giving y/n another fake smile which the girl notices.

"yeah. did you? well, i bet you did since you didn't have to sneak over to my house in the middle of the night." y/n states, causing jimin to sigh at the girl's remark.

"look, can you just forget about it?" the boy asks harshly, causing y/n to frown.

"oh yeah, it'll be easy! i mean, it's not like I have to see the cut stems of my flowers every morning now until they grow back." y/n replies, causing the boy to roll his eyes.

"why are you so–" jimin cuts off his words as he stops looking at y/n, staring behind her, which causes y/n to follow his gaze.

she sees hyeon and jungkook walking down the hall together, laughing and smiling like nobody else is around.

they walk past y/n and jimin,
hyeon doesn't spare jimin a single glance.

no good morning, no wave, no smile.

she continues to giggle with jungkook, flirtatiously hitting his shoulder and telling him how funny he is.

as jimin continues to stare, and y/n takes the opportunity to look at his face.

his beautiful and confident lively eyes suddenly look dull and sad, and his cocky facial expression is replaced with a confused and upset one.

he watches hyeon and jungkook until they take a turn down a different hallway meaning jimin can't see them anymore.

he bites his lip and looks down, his hair dangling in his face.

"are you okay?" y/n asks softly, feeling bad for jimin and feeling even worse that she can't relate to his situation.

"yeah." he states sharply, breathing in deeply as he looks up, staring ahead. he forces himself to look more pissed off instead of sad.

"you don't look okay." y/n continues,

"then stop looking." jimin snaps, a glare on his face which causes y/n to put her hands up in defense.

the two share an awkward silence, before y/n coughs to break it.

"uh, you know. . if it makes you feel any better um. ." y/n starts, catching jimin's attention.


"there's plenty of other girls in this school that would love if you gave beautiful flowers to them. why care about hyeon so much when you have so many other people that like you."
y/n says honestly, causing the boy's facial expression to soften as he looks at her.

"thank you but. . well, imagine it like this. let's
pretend that there are other guys who would want to be your best friend–"

"are you implying that there isn't?"

"that's not the point."

"you're an asshole."

"anyway, let's say that there were plenty of other guys who would want to be your best friend. but younghe–"

"younghe? you mean yoongi?"

"yeah, yoongi, he's already your best friend, but what if he started becoming better friends with other girls? he didn't smile at you or walk with you. . it would hurt right? even though you have other guys who would want to be your best friend." jimin finishes,

y/n thinks about what jimin said, putting herself in that situation.

"you're right jimin, it would hurt. but i value mine and yoongi's friendship so i would confront him about it." y/n pauses for a moment, thinking about it further.

"and besides, that's a completely different situation. hyeon has never ditched you or anything, she's always been flirty with more than one guy. why are you getting so upset about it now? she's been the same way ever since she moved here." y/n finishes, catching jimin off guard by her question.

jimin doesn't know why it's been upsetting him more than usual lately. maybe because he's getting older and realizing that when a girl really likes you then they won't treat you the same way as they treat every other boy.

y/n certainly doesn't treat him the same way she treats yoongi.

"i'm not upset, hyeon likes me the most out of taehyung and jungkook anyway." jimin mumbles,

"oh yeah, and she just proved it by walking right by you. wake up jimin, she's using all three of you. and, have you tried talking to taehyung and jungkook about it? you guys are best friends right?"

"we are but, they really like hyeon too."

"well then who do you talk to when you need to vent about her or something? like just now, if i liked someone and they just walked past me like that, i would've ran my ass to yoongi and talked to him about it."

"you're lucky you guys are such close friends."

"yeah, yoongi is a very great guy." y/n smiles, even the simple thought of her best friend making her feel happy and peaceful.

jimin pouts a little bit and
adverts his gaze from y/n.

"you seem to think really highly of him. ." jimin mumbles, causing y/n to nod.

"yes, and he deserves to be thought highly of. yoongi is a very great guy–"

"you said that."

"i know."

"well, it's almost time for class."

"yeah." y/n says before turning to walk off, catching jimin by surprise.

"uh, you're not going to say goodbye or
see you around?"

"uh, bye jimin?"

"well i wanted to say, thank you for talking with me." jimin expresses, the tone of his voice gentle as the y/n's eyes widen.

"oh, uh. . you don't have to thank me for anything, i'm not the best with my words so–" y/n rambles, feeling surprised that jimin would thank her for simply talking with him.

jimin cuts the girl's words off, a small but genuine smile on his face,

"i appreciate it, y/n."

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