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i missed you all a lot

"yoongi," y/n starts, gaining her friend's attention. his gentle eyes meet hers. "i'm tired." she mumbles, leaning against yoongi's shoulder as they continue to walk.

yoongi chuckles and ruffles his friend's hair, and y/n doesn't bother to fix it. "i know, i am too." he smiles gently, smoothing y/n's hair back down for her.

"i mean, it's worth being tired," y/n states, letting the loud music and yoongi's smile replay in her mind. and of course, hers and jimin's conversation drifts through her mind as well. "i had lots of fun."

yoongi pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth and looks at the ground, holding back his smile. he can feel the back of his neck heat up. y/n continues to rest her head on yoongi's shoulder, causing their walk to be a little awkward. but yoongi couldn't care less about that.

yoongi places y/n's hand in his and holds it gently. "you know yoongi," y/n starts, gently rubbing her thumb back and forth across yoongi's large hand. "we'll be seniors soon."

"yeah," yoongi acknowledges, staring ahead as the school building comes into view. it's crazy to him, that he and his sweet y/n will be adults soon. "i wonder what things will be like when we're seniors."

y/n's mind drifts to jimin.

"different, probably." y/n tries to say casually, shrugging her shoulders. "people, i mean."

"hm?" yoongi turns to look at y/n, but she's staring at their hands. yoongi can tell she's tense but he doesn't know why.

"well, i won't be too different," yoongi begins, as y/n connects their eyes. her face is riddled with confusion, which prompts yoongi to continue. "i'll. . . i'll still think you're like, the best person ever."

smiling brightly, y/n swings hers and yoongi's hands as they near the entrance to the school building. "you're too great yoongi, i appreciate you." y/n replies, and she means it.

"see you in a few." y/n smiles, hugging her best friend. yoongi hugs her back, honestly, not wanting to let go.

"see you." he smiles, waving once more and turning to walk to his locker. y/n turns to walk to her own locker, and is greeted by a familiar face.

"good morning, jimin." y/n finds herself smiling, stopping at her locker. she notices jimin has his sunglasses on.

"good morning, y/n!" jimin says brightly, flashing her his charming smile. "how are you? did you sleep well?"

"well i got home pretty late." y/n chuckles, shrugging her shoulders. "so i'm kinda tired. why. . . are you wearing your sunglasses?" the girl asks, causing jimin to laugh awkwardly.

"uh. . i got home late too," he starts, offering her a lopsided smile. confusion washes over y/n's face as she wonders what that could have to do with him wearing his sunglasses inside. "so, i have bags under my eyes."

y/n blinks at jimin before laughing heartily at his reasoning. her laugh is contagious, especially since she doesn't do it all the time, it brings a sweet smile to jimin's face.

"jimin, that's dumb," y/n mumbles, shaking her head whilst a smile remains on her face.

"i'm being serious." jimin laughs, causing y/n to nudge his shoulder with her hand. the contact surprises jimin, it was so casual; it makes him smile even wider.

"let me see then." y/n replies softly, reaching her hands up to take jimin's sunglasses off. y/n takes the sunglasses off of jimin's face,

"i don't see any bags under your eyes, jimin."

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