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jungkook sulks into the arboretum, running his hand through his hair frustratedly as thoughts about hyeon race through his mind.

he doesn't understand why she just can't pick either him, taehyung, or jimin. and why she chooses to flirt with all of them and play with all of their hearts.

he also doesn't understand why his dumbass continues to have a crush on her.

jungkook looks around the arboretum for a moment. he's never been here before so he doesn't know his way around at all. and the place is so big, with so many paths leading to different sections of flowers.

the only reason is he's here is because he's stressed out and google recommended an arboretum as a relaxing place to go.

jungkook looks around some more, walking a little bit to see if he can find a place to sit. lucky for him, he spots a bench.

it has tons of flowers around it, like everything else here, but it's seated in the shade and it looks like his best option right now.

however, there's already someone sitting there.

jungkook tries not to care as he makes his way over to the bench, awkwardly sitting down beside the person.

he stares straight ahead for a moment before gathering some courage to look and see who he's sitting beside.

"uh, y/n?" jungkook questions, his eyes widening slightly as he stares at the girl beside him.

y/n glances up from her flower encyclopedia and makes eye contact with jungkook, causing her eyes to widen slightly as well.

"jungkook?" y/n questions, surprise present in her voice.

"yeah, uh, hey." jungkook says, feeling somewhat shy.

"what are you doing here?" y/n asks, her voice so calm that jungkook can't tell what emotion she's feeling.

"i was stressed." jungkook answers honestly staring at his hands. he doesn't know why he feels so embarrassed.

the two share an incredibly awkward silence before y/n decides to break it.

"wanna talk about it?" y/n asks, causing jungkook to look at her. y/n's eyes are gentle as he stares into them. the girl's peaceful state already makes him feel a little less stressed.

"yeah, i do."

"i'm listening." y/n says, closing her book and sitting it on the other side of her, turning to face jungkook and locking eyes with him, giving him her undivided attention.

"there's this girl, and she flirts with me and my other two friends. i just want her to pick one of us instead of playing with our hearts. i mean, we all like her but it's starting to feel like she's just using that to her advantage. but for some reason, my crush on her just won't fade away."

jungkook sighs after he finishes, feeling a little better after getting that off of his chest. he never feels comfortable talking to taehyung and jimin about hyeon.

y/n's not a dumbass, it's painfully obvious that jungkook is talking about hyeon and that his other two friends are jimin and taehyung.

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