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jungkook walks into school, humming softly to himself. he feels happy after hanging out with y/n yesterday. he doesn't know why she caused him to feel so on top of the world. maybe because it had been awhile since the last time he'd hung out with someone who listened to his problems.

jungkook spots y/n by her locker, and smiles to himself, making his way over there.

he doesn't see jimin about to take a turn to go to y/n's locker as well, but jimin sees him.

jimin decides not to take to turn, and instead be nosy and watch from where he is so he can figure why jungkook would be going over to
y/n's locker.

"hey y/n!" jungkook says smiling, as y/n closes her locker to face him.

"good morning jungkook." y/n says, smiling back at him.

jimin continues to stare, jealousy washing over him as y/n reveals her beautiful and breathtaking smile to jungkook.

jimin's eyebrows furrow in frustration, since when did jungkook and y/n talk?
had he missed something?

"i can't stop thinking about yesterday, i know i've said this already but i really did have a great time. thank you again." jungkook states shyly,

jimin's mouth falls open as he continues to look at y/n and jungkook.

did they go on a


"yeah, i enjoyed myself too. i still can't believe we just happened to run into each other at the arboretum, i usually never see anyone from school there." y/n says honestly, offering jungkook a sheepish smile.

jimin resists the urge to let out a sigh of relief, they had just ran into each other at the arboretum. but still, why was jungkook's ass even at the arboretum?

it's not fair, apparently jungkook got to hang out with y/n and talk to her some place out of school. jimin wishes he'd be able to do that.

but why does he wish that? jimin thinks for a moment about why he started having these, well, feelings toward y/n.

he wouldn't say that he has a crush on her but he's not completely sure.

but then again, if he didn't have a crush on her then he wouldn't be so frustrated about the thought of her going on a date with jungkook.

jimin turns to storm away, already feeling irritated because of the fact jungkook got to hang out with y/n.

"oh, hi jimin." y/n says, her relaxing and cool yet also gentle voice sounding like music to jimin's ears.

jimin stops, a smile spreading across his face.

it makes him happy how, unlike hyeon, despite y/n being in the middle of a conversation with jungkook she didn't completely ignore him.

jimin turns to y/n, walking over to where her and jungkook are.

"good morning y/n! how are you doing?" jimin questions, the smile not leaving his face.

"i'm doing good, just happy it's friday, how are you?"

"i'm great!" jimin replies as y/n nods at him.

"well that's good to hear, i'm gonna get to class, see you guys." the girl says, waving to jimin and jungkook who cheerily wave back.

y/n walks off, leaving jungkook and jimin by her locker. jungkook is confused as to how jimin knows y/n, but then remembers yesterday how he said he was going to eat lunch beside her.

jungkook kind of wishes he had eaten lunch with her too.

"we should probably get to class too." jimin mumbles, as jungkook just nods.

"jimin, jungkook? you guys aren't talking much today, how come?" hyeon questions as she takes a fork full of taehyung's lunch.

"no reason." jimin and jungkook reply in unison, causing hyeon to shrug and keep trying to talk to them, even though it's pretty obvious that they don't want to talk to her right now.

taehyung looks at hyeon sadly. he wonders why she keeps trying to talk to jungkook and jimin when he's sitting right here actually wanting to talk to her.

jimin and jungkook reply to hyeon with short answers, as they continue to glance over at y/n and yoongi. they notice how lively and talkative y/n is around yoongi. her gorgeous eyes seem to sparkle around him, and her precious smile doesn't seem to leave her face.

hyeon sighs at the two boys before glumly turning her attention back to taehyung since she couldn't get a conversation out of jimin and jungkook.

it frustrates jimin how jungkook is staring at
y/n too. damn, can he not have a girl to himself for once?

"she's really cool." jungkook says quietly causing jimin to look at him.

"yeah, and interesting." jimin replies, earning a nod from jungkook.


"jungkook, why were you at the arboretum?" jimin asks curiously,

"you heard?"


"the truth is, i was stressed out, i just needed to clear my head and google recommended the arboretum." jungkook shrugs.

"why were you stressed?" jimin asks, his voice gentle. jungkook looks at his hands, feeling shy and upset all of a sudden.

"hyeon." jungkook says quietly, still continuing to not look at jimin.

jimin frowns and pats jungkook on his back.

"yeah, she stresses me out too."

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thank you so much for reading !!

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