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"And I'm dying to know, is it killing you like it's killing me? And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now.

-Taylor Swift 

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My body trembles as the taste of salt sits on my tongue causing me to realize at some point I began crying. Thankfully the tears mix with the rain and wash off my face before Roman can notice. "Just leave," I repeat. "Everybody else has," It comes out as a broken whisper.

Roman's eyes soften as he stands before me, watching me crumble to the ground, as all the strength I pretend to have disappears all at once. I lose it as the frigid concrete seeps into my jeans and sobs take control of my body. Roman jumps into action, but it's not his arms I want to be in, it's his fucking brothers.

He holds me tight, like maybe he's hoping it'll help sow the pieces back into place. "He doesn't love me anymore," flashes of Damon and that girl repeat in my brain. Damon. Damon. Damon. Damn him for making me fall in love, damn him for leaving. Fuck.

Roman doesn't argue with me, just squeezes me a little bit tighter, and somehow that makes everything worse. It's hard to breathe, my chest pulls tight and I can't tell if it's my heart or lungs fighting against me. All I want is for the pain to stop, for all of this to stop, but heartbreak doesn't just end. It's something that takes time to heal, like an open wound, only I can't get stitches to speed up the process and this wound is deeper than anything I've ever delt with before.

I want to be swept away with the storm, to somewhere far far away from here. Instead warm arms scoop me up bridal style and I bury my head into his chest. Calm down, it's going to be alright; fuck no it's not, no it's not. I lost him, I lost Damon and it's all my fucking fault. I breathe in and out, but it does little to soothe my aching heart.

Heat splashes my bones as a little bell chimes upon our arrival inside. Immediately I miss the cold. The cold made the ache dimmer because there was something else to focus on. Roman traces soft, slow circles on my side. It should comfort me but it reminds me so damn much of Damon it makes me feel sick instead.

I bury my head in Roman's chest and close my eyes, fatigue suddenly washing over me in tenfolds. I feel myself being lowered and set on a velvety chair, "I'll be right back," Roman remarks. Pulling my legs beneath my body I allow myself to doze off, only to be pulled back into reality as the sensation of a towel being wrapped around my shoulders comes to my attention. 

When I open my eyes Roman's pulling his wet shirt off his body. I watch as he drops it to the floor and wipes away the droplets of water making their way down his stomach. He suddenly laughs, it's hearty and makes him sound like a little boy. "You know if you wanted a strip show all you had to do was ask," Heat wraps up my neck as embarrassment envelops me. 

"Shut up," I mumble, hiding my face in the black cushion. 

His eyes trail up and down my body, slowly like he's trying to memorize a picture. "Damn, you look like a drowned mole-rat," I roll my eyes, leave it to Roman to insult me for no reason. I reach over and slap his arm, but he doesn't even flinch which pisses me off. Can't he at least pretend it hurt so I can feel a little bit better? 

Roman runs the towel through his strands causing them to stand up in every direction. "I'm gunna go buy something dry to wear. You should probably do the same," With that he disappears further into the store. Sighing I get to my feet, acutely aware of the way my skinny jeans cling uncomfortably to my legs and how my bright red bra can be seen though my thin shirt. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now