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"Everyone always wants to know how you can tell when it's true love, and the answer is this: when the pain doesn't fade and the scars don't heal, and it's too damned late."

-Jonathan Tropper

Suspicious ice eyes cling to my frame with analytical curiosity. They roll over me gradually, like he's trying to figure out all my secrets in on prolonged glance. Unanswered questions flicker through his gaze, causing his irises to flash bright.

One thing is for sure though, Roman will not be the person I'm opening up to anytime soon. Hell, Damon never even experienced that side of my life. After all, my home life has a funny way of making me appear damaged- just a little girl with a sadistic mother that caused her perception on the world to be tainted from the get-go.

Yet that's not entirely true. Yes, maybe I am a little messed up, but aren't we all? I refuse to let the past, the childhood written for me the day I was born, dictate the perception I have on the present and future. If I do, then my mother wins and I end up miserable.

It took me a while but eventually I learned that DNA does not determine who your family is. Sometimes the ones who share your blood are the monsters in your dreams, and sometimes those not related to you are the ones that matter the most.

Family picks you up, they don't push you down. They're there for you no matter what- in the worst of times, and in the best of times. They're the ones who decide to stay, and not because they have to like my mother, but because they want to. I have a family in Alexis and her parents and a year ago with Damon too. Maybe it's not the traditional sense of the word but for me it's more than enough.

Lifting my head, I meet Roman's gaze straight on. He doesn't flatter at the sudden eye contact, but then again I wouldn't expect him to. After a long drawn out moment, one that feels like an eternity, he shakes his head ever so slightly, it's almost indistinguishable because it's so subtle. The dimple on his right cheek gives an appearance as he finally turns his stare elsewhere.

He leans lazily against a milky white pillar as he examines the entirety of the room and I can only pray his new focus is a sign of him giving up. It's a hopeless wish because if there's one thing I know for sure about Roman it's that he never backs down from a challenge, and I can guarantee that's what he sees this as.

Roman doesn't forfeit and he doesn't give up, he's the type of boy who would fight to the death for the things he believes in. It's an admirable quality, really, but right now I rather him be a pushover if it meant he would stay out of my business.

The corners of his lips tilt higher as he straightens his spine and strides toward my direction. His steps are determined and beg to be acknowledged as he makes his way closer. I nibble on the bottom of my lip as I pretend to read the book in front of me. It's a feeble attempt and I doubt he falls for it but it's worth a try.

His body heat ignites my cool skin alerting me on his near proximity. A feather light touch dances on the edge of my ear and hot breath fans my hair. I swallow thickly and burn holes into the yellowing page of Pride and Prejudice.

"I think we should talk about what happened last night." A chill creeps down my neck like a spider.

Gulping, I keep my features stoic. "I don't know what you're talking about." He laughs, it's deep and warm and wraps around me like my favorite wool blanket.

He leans closer, if that's even possible, and his soft lips brush against my sensitive skin. "Felicity darling, don't play dumb, it's not a good look on you. What I think I heard isn't something you should be keeping locked inside, you need to tell somebody." I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing he's getting to me. So I remain indifferent, not giving him a single glance as I continue staring at the thick book. But the sincerity echoing in his words haunts me as his presence behind me disappears.

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now