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"Believe me, I am a natural force, but not your poetic storm or fire. I am a natural disaster and no one likes destruction caused by those."

-Sophia Carey

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Chatter rumbles from down below, I throw a quick glance over toward my window, for one moment the idea of climbing out like I did last night sounds very appealing. But that's the coward's way out and I am by no means a coward. 

I yawn escapes my lips, after that damned phone call I couldn't fall into a peaceful sleep. It was restless, as if the whole time one foot was caught in reality and the other in dreamland causing the illusion that I was never fully asleep even for a single second. I avoid my mirror, fully aware that large bruise-like bags dwell beneath my eyes and hollowness is attached to my features. In translation I look like a fucking mess.

After running a hand once more through my tangled strands in an effort to make myself slightly more presentable, I dash down the steps. At the bottom I find mother and Daniel sitting at the table with their heads together talking over breakfast. I breath in deeply the mouth-watering smell catching me off guard. In my seventeen years on this planet my mother has not cooked breakfast once.

I scoff lightly, she's really trying to impress this asshat claiming to be my father. Both their eyes fly to me on command, their words falling silent as I make my entrance. Daniel makes a move to stand but I narrow my eyes into a fiery glare causing him to shrink back into his seat immediately. 

Completely ignoring the plate of food my mother so selflessly made for me, I grab a banana from the counter instead and walk out without uttering a single word. She hasn't been a mom to me my whole life, she can't start now and expect me to just go along with it.  She missed her chance, and some things can't be fixed no matter how hard you try because the damage has already been done. 

The sun's rising behind the low clouds as I walk outside, a painting of cotton candy pink and tangerine orange highlighting the sky vibrantly. All signs of the storm yesterday have completely vanished, leaving brilliance in it's wake. The smell of autumn dipping it's feet into winter envelopes my senses as my gaze lies on a car in my driveway, or more specifically the boy behind the wheel.

Uneasiness sits in my stomach as I stride over and yank open the door. Roman greets me with a playful smile. "What are you doing here?" I ask which only causes him to grow more amused and motion for me to climb in. I weigh my options, if I get in there's a very good chance he'll bring up my mother, or Damon, or some other shitty aspect of my life. But if I don't I'll have to walk to school which would fucking suck in this temperature. 

At last I decide to get in. "I thought since you left your car at school you might need a ride," I raise my eyebrows, this isn't very Roman-like, if anything I'd think he would get a kick out of me walking to school. Nevertheless I appreciate the gesture, though I'd be lying if I said I'm not suspicious about an underlying motive.

I nod my head and give a small smile as he puts the car in reverse. "Thank you," He doesn't respond but the boyish grin dancing his features says everything I need to know. Tension consumes the car as it falls silent. I can tell the clocks are ticking in his head and he's dying to say something but instead ignores the want to let it out. 

I hate this, it feels like he's supposed to fill the silence but instead is too scared to share with me what he's thinking. Usually he's not the type of person to hide things, that's Damon's job, but right now something seems to be bothering him. It's as if a wall was built up between last night and this morning, leaving him unsure and cautious. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now