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"The villains were always ugly in books in movies. Necessarily so, it seemed. Because of they were attractive- if their looks matched their charm and their cunning- they wouldn't only be dangerous. They would be irresistible."

-Nenia Campbell

* * *

A pale turquoise dress flows softly down my body, tickling the back of my calfs with each step. My hair twirls in gentle ringlets, crashing down my back like a waterfall hits the bottom of a stream. I look nice and sweet, too bad it's only an illusion. I snicker quietly to myself, this guy won't know what hit him when I open my mouth and start talking. 

Alexis stands to my left, staring at herself in the mirror with a heated passion. She's jittery as she switches from one foot to the next, possessing a certain nervousness that she usually lacks. Unsurprising she looks effortlessly stunning, yet unlike me her appearance matches her personality; a gentle goddess with enough confidence to kill.

"We look hot," I comment after a long moment. "Like death valley hot, lethally hot. Goddamn," Alexis breaks her stare down with herself to let out a snort of amusement, the uneasiness fading away all at once.

She strides over to me and rests an elbow on my shoulder as she grins down at me. "Well you're not wrong." On cue the doorbell chimes from down below, echoing throughout the vacant household for only our ears to hear. 

"Fuck yeah, let's do this thing," I exclaim throwing a hand up in the air and grabbing my black clutch from her bed. The sparkles grasp my palm in an uncomfortable way as I make my way to the door, it rubs back and forth against my skin,  probably leaving red marks for me to find later. 

Just as I'm about to open the door I hear Alexis' voice calling out my name and cutting me off from heading downstairs and integrating this boy she's so smitten with. I turn back around and question her with my gaze. "Please for the love of God be good," She says sternly.

Throwing her a dirty grin, I blink my eyes innocently and blow her a kiss. "Always," But she knew what she was doing when she asked me to come along on this date. I mean it's not like I'll purposely fuck the whole thing up, but hey what's a little fun gunna hurt?

She rolls her eyes in a playful manner and heaves a deep breath. "Okay."

"Let's go get your man," I prance down the steps with Alexis on my heels before yanking the front door open and giving the person in front of me a long analytical look. "You must be Alexis' new boy toy, I'm Felicity," He raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow looking like a piece of artwork. 

He moves his almond shaped eyes to something behind me, on command they light on fire, becoming inflamed with joy. I clear my throat and he turns his attention back toward me, "My apologies, I'm Enrique" His words drip with a Spanish accent, causing his apology to be much more tempting to accept. 

Taking my hand he raises it to his lips, something Alexis warned me was a tradition in his home country. But before he can make contact I drag him closer and place my lips close to his ear so only we can hear. "You hurt her and I will kill you, comprende?" Appearing completely unfazed, he simply chuckles and gives a small nod. 

With affection lurking on his features he says three words that causes my facade to falter. "I would never," His eyes are sincere, the type of sincerity that nobody could possibly fake. I believe him, at the moment at least, because sometimes giving the benefit of the doubt is all one can do. 

That doesn't mean I'm done keeping an eye on him though, because in my experience the devil always lurks in those we least expect. In the innocent ones, the ones with smiles sweeter than sugar. Bad guys don't get away with the worst crimes because they appear lethal, they make an escape because of the charisma they possess, and they way it makes you want to hang onto every word they utter. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now