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"Why is it that the people who set your heart alight with love and plant forever flames in your veins. are the same ones that leave your soul drowning in a river of pain?"

-Nikita Gill

* * *

The scent of bacon and eggs envelops my senses when I wake up. It's like a dream, but when I throw the blanket off my legs and the chilly air hits my skin, I'm reminded of the nightmare. I contemplate crawling back into bed and hiding beneath the sheets but I know that want fix anything, so instead I continue forward. 

Roman's already dressed and sitting at the table when I walk into the kitchen. His eyes dart up to me and linger a second too long before returning to the food in front of him. "Good morning sweetie." Grams chirps as I take the seat opposite Roman. 

"Morning." I mumble and a plate of food is set down in front of me. Digging in immediately, a low chuckle plays in the air at my eagerness. I raise my gaze to point a glare at Roman, but he only returns my gesture with an amused head shake. 

"Well." He drawls as he stands and with long strides moves to the sink. "I'm gonna go out for the day, figured I'd give you two some alone time to catch up." The water rushes from the facet as he washes his plate, the material clicking against the paster bottom as he sets it down before walking over to the steps.

He raises his head and his eyes meet my own, it's the sparkle shining in them that let's me know he's working on a plan. "Be careful." Is the only response I give. He nods his head once before completely disappearing, leaving me with Gram's suspicious gaze burning holes into the side of my head. 

After finishing my plate, I turn my attention toward Grams. She folds the towel she's holding before placing it gentle back in the drawer next to the sink. "Now darling I know you didn't drive across the country to say hi and have a nice breakfast. What happened?" I bite my lip as I mimic Roman's actions and wash my plate clean.

Grams eyebrows raise high as she patiently waits for me to finish. "Remember when I was little right before me and mom left, you warned me about this guy that you swore up and down I'd meet one day." We walk to the living room, side by side. "I think I know what you mean now." I swallow thickly around the lump forming in my throat.

Her ocean eyes are wide as she pulls me down onto the velvety sofa with her. "So you finally met him, but he's not the boy that drove up here with you." It's a statement, not a question.

I furrow my eyebrows. "How did you-"

She cuts me off with a simple wave of her hand. "Trust me Felicity we both know that boy is whole different kind of trouble than I was talking about. He's not dangerous, I've known him not even 24 hours and I've already figured that out. Plus he looks at you like you make the sun shine, even if he was the type to hurt people, he would never touch a hair on your head if it meant causing you pain."

Ignoring her last statement, I watch as her eyes twinkle. She looks so happy, and the last thing I want to do is cause her to worry by telling her the mess that I've gotten myself into. "Felicity whatever it is, you have to tell me." She states as if noticing my hesitation.

So I spill my guts, every little detail. Julian, Roman, Damon and the escalation of everything since they returned from Spain. The spark fades to a dull twinkle the more in depth I go into the story and I hate that. That's exactly what I didn't want to happen. "-And Grams I don't know what to do. We don't have the key but I can't just let Julian have what he wants." My voice trembles as I finish.

Her face is covered in a mask, like a warrior choosing the best strategy for battle. "What does this boy want?" She asks slowly like maybe she's afraid to hear the answer.

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now