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"You have a little danger in your eye. I wonder what you plan to do with that."


* * *

Orange streaks dip into an never-ending abyss of pink before rising higher from the horizon and traveling up to make a hue of golden blue sky. Perfect snow-white clouds scatter the sky, looking like something out of a painting. I kick one of the pebbles that strays next to my foot as I'm sitting on the step that rises to create my front porch. 

Birds chirp in the distance, creating a blissful melody that will disappear from the area in a month's time. The wind whistles as a engine hums before pulling into my driveway. The same car I road in last night greets my eyes as I look up in curiosity. 

Giving my eyes a roll, I turn back away and continue playing with the pebbles at my feet. A door slams and light footsteps follow, like he's practiced how to be swift to sneak up on people with little noise. A shadow looms above my head, blocking the warm sun from my skin as the footsteps come to a stop. 

A large body slumps next to me, and a warm hand burns the leg beneath my thin pajamas as it's set above my knee. "I swear every time I see you, you're more breath taking than the last time," His accent could a make a girl fall to the ground in weakness, it sounds delicious and is impossible to ignore. 

His dark irises turn a mix of golden flecks as the sun hits them in just the right way. He would be so fucking easy to fall for if it wasn't for the type of person I deep down know he is. "What do you want Julian?" He chuckles lowly; if his laugh was a color it would be black- dark and unpredictable and just like him

He shifts next to me, his hand crawling across my leg as he does so. "I believe you have something of mine." I cock an eyebrow up, a frown sliding onto my lips. 

Discontinuing my leg movement, the pebbles fall still. "And what would that be?" A wicked grin dances upon his mouth, the type I'd imagine would be reserved for the devil alone. He looks behind us and through the open door that I failed to shut. 

He's a bad guy, Roman and Damon's warning haunts my thoughts as Julian turns back around to catch me already staring at him. His gaze is intense on my features as he gets to his feet and holds out his hands for me to grab. 

Hesitation slips into my veins but nevertheless I accept his help and allow him to pull me up. He shakes his head, his dark hair falling into his even darker eyes. "So I saw Damon leaving, I figure that's your ex boy toy then?" My breath catches. "But then again," He pauses to run his fingers from my hands and up my arms toward my shoulders. "Roman was over here last night too, so which one is it?" 

I pull away from his touch, hating the intimacy it sheds and loathing the fact it's Julian provoking the emotion. "What do I have of yours?" I huff, crossing my arms across my chest.

His eyes narrow ever so slightly, and he walks closer to me again. Standing my ground, I raise my chin in defiance. "My jacket angel," He whispers in a husky tone. 

Right, shit. "Stay here, I'll go get it," I raise a finger and start walking toward the house but despite my pleas he begins following me. Abruptly coming to a halt he almost runs smack into me but I put a hand on his chest to prevent the collision. "I said stay here, as in don't move," I grind out. 

Without waiting for a response I dash into the building and up the stairs. Grabbing the jacket from where I laid it last night, I allow the expensive material to slide through my fingers. I stop at the pocket, remembering what lies within it's depths when I hear Julian's impatient voice from down below. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now