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"Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us, when we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused."

-Paulo Coelho

* * *

With a raise of his eyebrows, amusement highlights Romans features as he takes slow steps toward my direction. "So you want me to unbuckle you?" My cheeks burn as he takes it upon himself to toy with my embarrassment.

Glaring daggers at him, I let out a hefty huff and cross my arms over my chest. "Yes Roman," I grind out. "I need you to unbuckle me, the fucking thing is stuck," The smirk on his lips widens before he leans down so he's eye level with me.

"Well babe your wish is my command," With a tantalizing pace he reaches across my body, his hot skin grazing against my own. I can smell the minty tint of the gum he's chewing, mixed with a woodsy scent that I never noticed until now. I try to keep my breathing steady, suddenly overcome with an inability to breathe correctly. It's as though something is squeezing my lungs, taking away all my air and leaving me gasping.

His fingers play with the buckle, fighting with it to finally unclasp, and accidentally brush across my upper thigh. His touch leaves a burning trail of fire that winds up my whole body causing it to blush in places I didn't even know it could. Luckily I don't think he notices the hurricane that is consuming every inch of my skin, or the chaos erupting with his close proximity.

He exhales angrily and yanks sharply on the belt. "Fuck," He mumbles, whilst repositioning himself to get a better angle. His toned chest pushes against mine, I can feel every smooth curve of his body, and I can't tell if I want to push him away or pull him closer.

I blink. Once. Twice. His soft chocolate hair tickles my chin, it smells of rain and faintly of soap. He's just helping you, I tell myself. There's no reason to push him away, there is nothing to this, nothing. I try to ignore the sensation of his skin on mine, of the way he seems to be invading every one of my senses in an overpowering manner. But his closeness is messing with my head, making me feel things that don't exist. It's all hormones, that's all it is; it can't be anything more.

I mean fucking hell he's the twin of the boy I love... loved... love. I should be able to control myself, no matter how attracted I seem to be to him in this moment. I inhale deeply, trying to keep myself together as Roman continues to fumble with the seatbelt. It feels like I'm in the sahara desert as heat tumbles through my system, making me feel feverish and woozy.

I shift beneath Roman, he pauses for a moment and his ice irises find their way to my own. His gaze trails down the length of my features, breaking at my lips for a moment too long, before running back up. He let's go of the object at hand to reach up and gently brush his finger across my cheek. "You have an eyelash," His voice is so low, I barely catch the words. "Make a wish," He says, holding his pointer finger out and cocking his head as if telling me to blow.

Something swirls in my stomach, something dangerous, something that I should never feel. Sucking in as much air as I can I obey his command and blow the eyelash far far away, wishing for everything to go back to normal, for the days when my life wasn't so fucked up. The whole gesture feels insanely intimate, and that along with the way he's looking at me could be enough to have me running to an asylum and getting checked in.

Abruptly he clears his throat and turns away, getting back to work. With one last jiggle, the seatbelt finally flings free from it's restraints and Roman pulls away at last. "It's about goddamn time," He murmurs under his breath.

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now