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"But guess what? You weren't the only bad guy in this story. I had claws too."


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I stare at the closed door, curiosity nagging at me to follow him and listen in on his conversation. But instead I wrap an arm around Oliver as he yawns and curls up against my body. "Are you going to date my brother?" I freeze, glancing down at those innocent eyes, with no idea what to say. 

I'm slow to respond trying to pick my words carefully. "I don't think so," I say at last, not entirely sure if he's talking about Roman or Damon. Either way the answer is still no but saying it out loud makes my stomach sink in a vicious way. A pout forms on his lips, and part of me thinks he knows much more than he's letting on, but I'll let it slide this time.

His eyes fall shut and after a few minutes his breathing becomes even. His eyelids flutter in his sleep, like a little butterfly flapping it's wings. He looks like an angel, so peaceful and innocent. I gently trace the scar on his scalp, it's rugged like a side of a mountain. It's hard to believe he's been through as much as he has, but it's true what they say: the best people are always dished out the worst, but than again maybe that's what makes them the way they are. 

It's not fair and it never will be, but that's just life. Oliver shifts away from me and begins to softly snore. I stay for a while, just enjoying the quiet, I haven't had much of that lately. But when Roman never comes back I gentle remove myself from the bed and tip toe over to the door. It creaks as it swings open but when I turn around Oliver's still fast asleep.

I flip the light off after one last glance and shut the door, it clicks behind me and I allow my gaze to focus on the long hallway. Squinting to see in the dim lighting, I barely make out a hum of yellow glow emerging from the bottom of one of the doors. I stride over and raise my hand to knock when I hear voices talking heatedly on the other side.

With hesitation I inch forward and place my ear on the cool white wood. "Fuck Roman, what was I supposed to do?" My heart hurts at the sound of Damon's rough tone sounding so conflicted. He's hurt me so fucking much in the last year and a half and yet somehow I still ache to wrap my arms around him and make all the pain he's ever felt evaporate into thin air, and I fucking hate myself for it. 

He sighs, it's long and tired, and I can just imagine him running his hands through his caramel strands causing it to stick up in every direction wildly. "I don't know what to do," He sounds like the old him again, it gives me hope that that boy's still in there somewhere, that the boy I was so fucking in love with hasn't completely vanished. 

"Shit dude I know, but you're hurting her, and that's not okay," I swallow deeply at Roman's response. Are they talking about me? I don't see how that's possible, Damon made it clear he couldn't give two shits about me. But if not me, who? 

Shuffling erupts followed by the soft pitter patter of foot steps. On instinct I stumble away but not before hearing Damon's last words. "It doesn't matter. All of this is probably for the best, she deserves the world and I'll only ruin her," The breath rushes out of my lungs on command, like a kick in the chest. 

Dazed and confused, all I can do is stare at the door as I try to regain the air that has suddenly vanished from my lungs. But I can't fully recover because the doorknob is beginning to twist, and I'm dead meat if they discover I've been eavesdropping on whatever the hell this is. 

Without thinking I dash into the room across Damon's, and breath a sigh of relief when I flip on the light switch and observe that it's a bathroom. A gentle click sounds in the quiet room as I lock the door and lean my back against the smooth surface. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now