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"Will you still love me when I shine from words but not from beauty?"

-Lana Del Rey

* * *

Gradually Roman sits up, as if to buy some time to think of the best way to word his answer. "Why?" Is what he settles on in the end. 

Gritting my teeth, I ball my hand into a fist. "Oh I don't know maybe because I just got off the phone with Julian who warned me if you don't return whatever it is you stole in three days, he's coming for us." Or more specifically me, but I don't say that. "Roman he already has Damon and I'm afraid of what he might do to him."

Abruptly he stands from his place on the bed. "I'll fucking kill the bastard." Before I can react he's already walking toward the door. 

Jumping into action, I step in front of him and place a steady hand on his hard chest to halt his movement. I want to hurt Julian just as much as him but I'll be damned if I allow Roman to go on this suicide mission. "What do you think you're going to go do, huh?" His chest moves up and down under my palm with anger breaths. "Go teach him a lesson?" He doesn't answer.

I shake my head. "Roman I thought you were smarter than to make a rash decision that'll only end with you both dead." His adams apple bobs up and down as he swallows thickly and hesitantly nods his head and steps away from me. The distance away from my touch seems to calm him, which only sends a pang of hurt dancing through my chest. Maybe because it seems to be the opposite for me, the best remedy when my world is crashing in front of me is him lately. 

He sits back down and places his forearms on his knees. He looks up at me through long black eyelashes, they compliment his ice eyes causing them to glow brighter. "What do we do?"

I sigh and sit down next to him "Give him back whatever you stole," I say simply. There's nothing else he can do, there's nothing else we can do. Roman shakes his head in disapproval, I should've known he wouldn't go down without a fight. Usually I'm the same way but sometimes you have to know when to put your pride aside and give in. Sometimes you've got to the let the other person win to survive.

"No." He states, causing anger to flare in my chest. He's risking all of our lives because he is too damn stubborn to give in.

I move away from him, with this kind of anger blooming who knows what I might do. Placing my hands on my hips, I glare down at him "Why the fuck not?" His jaw clenches and he glares back at me with just as much ferocity.

But then his face sinks, like all the fight has been drained out of him despite how hard he's trying, because sometimes you can be the strongest swimmer but the waves are still stronger. "I don't have it." He whispers looking utterly dejected.

My heart sinks and I just want to hide and never come out in hopes that Julian won't be able to find me. But I know he'd just burn the goddamn house down looking for me, literally. I don't tell Roman that I'm Julian's prize if we don't give him what he wants. I don't say it because there's nothing he can do, there's nothing any of us can do now. 

I breath in deeply, I don't want to show Roman how terrified I am. But my eyes are beginning to fill with tears, and the lump in my throat makes it hard to swallow correctly. "What was it anyways?" My voice is rough and scratchy because I'm trying so hard not to lose it completely.

I think Roman notices, but he doesn't say anything. "A key." He answers "A little gold key, I have no idea what it opens but it must be pretty goddamn important. He used to wear it on a chain around his neck so he'd always have it with him. Damon must've noticed it too and one night when he was angry withJulian he stole it. Damon knew it'd only piss Julian off but he was convinced he's never know who stole it." Roman shakes his head and laughs bitterly "I guess he was wrong."

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