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"I wanted him to kiss me, with every nerve, every fiber, every molecule of my being." 


* * *

His lips are on mine. Fast and deliberate. Intense and hungry. I melt into his embrace, allowing my lips to move with his in perfect sync. My mind chants quietly that this is a bad idea, I know it is, but God I don't care anymore. He nudges me gently back until my back hits the wooden door and I wrap my arms around his neck, desperately trying to pull him closer. 

He's intoxicating and all I want is more, more, more. His tongue runs across my bottom lip begging for an entrance, causing a grin to tug on my lips before I grant him access. His grip on my hips move to my thighs, and he lifts me up so my legs wrap around his waist. I lock my ankles around him making sure there's no space left between the two of us.

I can't seem to get enough of him, I never knew it was possible to be addicted to another human until I met him, and I never knew how dangerous it was either. I dig my hands into the hair at the nape of his neck, and tug on it, causing him to let out a small groan. I hum in approval at the noise, liking it far more then I ever thought possible. He pulls away from my lips and looks down at me.

His icy eyes are glossy with want and his lips are purple and plump. I probably look the same exact way. He buries his head into my neck and starts trailing kissing down my skin and over my collar bone before trailing back up and sucking gently on my pulse. I breathe in harshly and use my hold on his hair to pull him closer.

I can feel his lips curl into a smirk against my skin, and I can't help but love the sensation. Removing one of my hands from his hair, I use it to tilt his chin upward so his lips meet mine again. He moans my name in response and it sounds so safe coming from his mouth, so natural. 

Our lips move gently now, like we're trying to savor every single moment. Probably because we both know there's no way this can last, because in three short days everything will be different, and all we have is the present cause the future is only uncertain. 

He pulls back and carries me over to the bed before setting me down gently and crawling in next to me. I curl my body into his, and I can't help but notice how I seem to fit perfectly with him- like a missing puzzle piece. Laying my head upon his chest, his heart beats beneath my ear like a beautiful melody that I want to listen to for the rest of my life.

He places a delicate whisper-like kiss on my forehead causing my eyes to droop shut. This feels so right, so perfect. But I guess sometimes you're supposed to fall in love with someone, but not be with them. Sometimes you can fight and fight and fight for someone but every single time the world will yank you away, even though they may seem like the only thing you've ever needed in this life. 

"Felicity." He finally says, his voice is dripping in sorrow.

I already know what he's going to say, but I don't want to hear it. So instead I prop myself up on my elbow and place a finger to his lips successfully shushing him. "I know." I utter, and it's all I need to say, because we both know.

Placing my head back on his chest, he wraps a heavy arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. I close my eyes and for once, even if for just a moment, everything seems at peace. And maybe in a few days my life is going to upheave but in this second everything is perfect.

* * *

I have't truly celebrated Christmas since I was a little girl. My mother has always hated the holiday, every single part of it, so back in Virginia we didn't do much. While everyone else was decorating trees and making cookies, I was waiting quietly in my room until my mother would finally fall asleep and the fear of being yelled at would disappear. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now