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"My heart wasn't supposed to break for an almost lover. But it did. And God, it hurt like hell."

- Katrien Pauwels

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I wonder if he can hear my heart as his soft fingers move over my skin gingerly. It beats wildly and ferociously like the sound of fists pounding against a heavy weight bag. His brilliant eyes meet mine as he cleans up my injuries, a softness hides within their depth and the intimacy causes my breath to catch. 

Breathing in and out, I watch as he pulls his lip into his mouth causing his dimples to make an appearance. A sharp inhale can be heard as he swipes my skin with an anti-bacterial wipe, it stings and burns like touching fire for the first time. 

He steady's my leg by gently wrapping his free hand around my ankle, and I'm struck by how small and fragile it appears compared to his large hand. Tingles dance up and down my body from his touch, and I wonder if he knows just how much he's effecting me.

His soft hair curls against his skin and I have the sudden urge to run my fingers through it, to make him feel even a glimmer of the want I'm feeling toward him. He bites on his bottom lip, chewing it slightly before letting out a tired sigh. "You were right." 

Confusion pulls down on my eyebrows, as I cock my head to the side. "About what?" 

He places a bandaid upon my knee, it pulls the skin in an uncomfortable way. "Julian sent me the address of where we're supposed to meet him tomorrow, it's the same warehouse from earlier, which means those people you heard were Julian's men."  His hand on my ankle rubs soft tantalizing circles, sending waves of comfort dancing throughout my nerves. 

He slowly stands, his hands running up my legs before resting just above my knees. I shift on the hard countertop so my body is closer to his and I can feel the heat bouncing off of his skin. My dress falls in wrinkles, now just a pathetic mess of fabric instead of a beautiful gown. 

I gulp. "Do you think they heard our conversation?"

He shakes his head, his now dry hair falling in his eyes. "No, I don't." Relief floods my lungs as I exhale a breath of air. He gives my leg a squeeze, and butterflies ripple through my stomach, warming my insides with their fluttering wings. 

His thick eyelashes flutter against his cheek as he blinks his eyes. "You drive me fucking crazy." He mummers, his tone intense and husky. 

A cheeky grin crawls onto my lips. "Good." 

I lock my hands around his neck, playing with his soft hair and trailing my fingers teasingly over his skin. A soft groan escapes his lips as he grips onto my legs and pulls me closer, so I'm flush against his body. I can't help the giggle that breaks free, light and airy as his eyes turn a few shades darker. 

My laugh falls away when he places a feather-like kiss upon my neck, nipping at my skin as he pulls away. "Roman." I whine, causing a devious smirk to dazzle his features. 

He leans in again, his hot breath fanning my neck. "What baby?" I arch into him, begging for his touch, begging for his kiss. A breathy chuckle warms my skin, causing goosebumps to form on my arms. The power's all in his control, and surprisingly I couldn't care less. 

"Please." Tugging on his hair, I force his icy irises to meet mine. 

His smile is teasing, amusement dipping into the creases. He runs his thumb down my cheekbone before dancing it over my lips, ever so softly caressing them. "Please what?" 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now