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"There was no pretending with you. One look and you knew what I was thinking. It was terrifying."

-Kristie Betts

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The moment I met Roman was nothing like when I met Damon. I didn't have butterflies swarm my tummy or get nervous when he gazed my way. Honestly I think I always knew he was bad idea; the type of guy that wasn't an option unless I wanted to get my heart shattered. With Damon I was too blinded by his startling smile to realize he'd only do the same thing. 

The truth is dating ends one of two ways; either with heartbreak or marriage, and it's usually the former rather then the later that occurs. At fifteen I didn't know that, or maybe I did somewhere inside but I was naive and in love and I wanted to believe it could last like how it does in the movies and fairytales. 

But it doesn't and it didn't.

I met Roman that first day of school following the summer I first saw Damon. I still had yet to actually have a conversation with Damon, we'd just kinda see each other in town and smile like love sick puppies in the others direction. At least that's how I remember it, but thinking back on it maybe Damon smiled at all the girls like that and I fooled myself into believing I was special. 

It was first hour of my eighth grade year and the moment I walked in I was immediately pinned down by a glare. The boy was tall and lanky and didn't seem used to the vast length of his body, like he just hadn't grown into himself yet. Because of this he was more awkward then hot but I remember thinking that he sure as hell had the potential to be one day. 

I had no idea they were bothers at the time, let alone twins, all I knew was that this new guy was glaring at me like he was planning the way he was going to murder me. Cocking my head to the side I stared at the boy who unknown to me at the time would become a significant part in my life one day. "Do you have a problem with me?"

He grumbled something under his breath, his voice much huskier and deeper than all the other fourteen year old boys, almost too deep. Slowly he shook is head and turned his gaze off of me, but even from far away I could tell his irises were dazzling, like two blue diamonds mesmerizing everyone who looked into them. 

And that was it, no feelings or attraction, just two kids unaware of what was to come. I guess sometimes feelings are instant and other times they come out of nowhere, sneaking up in the most inconvenient times possible. Sometimes it takes years, not moments.

"Remember that first day of eighth grade? The day we met? Why were you glaring at me?" His eyebrows pull together like he's trying to recall the memory.

Puzzled, he glances over at me. "That's not the first time we met." The sun dips behind the horizon, melting into a mesh of pinks and yellows, but even with the evening light the sunglasses still rest on his face. 

Now it's my turn to be confused. "What? Yeah it was."

He shakes his head, his body vibrating with silent laughter. "No, I met you that summer. I should've known you didn't remember by how lost you looked that day at school." 

I try to recall when I could've possibly met him before but come up completely blank. "When?" 

He hums. "Fourth of July. You were wearing a white and blue striped dress and a red bow in your hair that matched the sunburn on your nose." I blink, I remember that dress and I remember that night but I don't remember him being there. 

He sighs at what is probably a blank expression on my features. "You were all goggly eyed at my brother, couldn't tear your eyes away from him. Honestly Fel kinda creepy." His tone is playful and I slap his arm. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now