Chapter 14: Showdown Part 1

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Hey, guys! I'm back after months of studying and writing other stories. I know, I know I'm such a bad author for forgetting (ignoring) this story for so long. Truly I am so (not) sorry. Please don't kill me (bring it on bitches!).  

Anyway let's move on to the story now...


Bird News 20:00

"Hi, and good evening. I'm Julie Parker and this Bird News. This evening we will go through news such as the new movie "Rome has fallen" and why sense8 was cancelled. But first the breaking news of our favourite hot superstar. Today we got a picture sent in anonymously *shows the picture*. As you can see on the photo it seems like Harry Measly our beloved star and a rising actress Ella is having sweet moment as they kiss. Has our beloved single star finally started dating? Or is he having an affair with miss Ella who we also got to know is the fiancee of the third prince of the Russian Empire...

*Shows a picture of the russian royal family*

And now we're all wondering about the truth, right? Well, don't worry we actually the russian royal family, Ella and Harr measly in the studio right now with us and if you change to channel 2 in a bit you will see an exclusive interview with them"


Cindy's POV (4 hours earlier)

I had a calm night and sleeping soundly, as I dreamed happily about my past life, when suddenly my cell-phone rang with it's wonderful ring tone - a singing Dora the explorer. Before you judge me I'm just gonna say it was quite a catchy song.

Ella: Hello?
Lucinda: It's me.

Ella: I was wondering when you were gonna call me.
Lucinda: Would you like to meet up?
Ella: Sure... *get's up*. Where?
Lucinda: -------
Ella: Hello? Did you hear me...? Can you hear me? *checks if anything is wrong with the phone*.
Lucinda: Sorry, it's Aleksei. He's being annoying. Anyway I want you to meet us in about four hours at Bird Planet. 
Ella: Why?
Lucinda: You will know soon. Until then bye- Aleksei get of me! *hangs up the phone*

I stared at my phone for awhile before shrugging to continue sleeping. After all we would only see each other it was only four hours, right? I'll be done in a few minutes and it will only take about thirty five minutes to get there...


Cindy wake up!

My knee hurt like hell and I looked up at the person leaning over me.
– Mikhail, don't scare me like this, I got up.
– Cindy do you have any idea what time it is?

I stared at my alarm clock as I saw that it was almost eight in the evening. It was only fifteen minutes till there. 


– Yes, we don't have time panicking, you'll do just fine in your pajamas.

– Don't be kiddi-, I was gonna tell him and walk to my wardrobe when he lifted me up and carried me towards his floating limousine.

Once we were inside I tried to question what this was all about however he only told me I would know when we would get there. This annoyed me so much, and I felt like being annoying this evening only because I didn't get my beauty sleep but that expression Mikhail had right now was disturbing me. He was like a hunter whose bloodlust was wa-y over the top.

We rode in silence  the whole way as I tried to figure out what this was all about.

Once we arrived at the entrance of the media company, reporters and paparazzis stood outside looking like they were waiting for me. I couldn't be this famous already?

Mikhail lead me inside to a private room where it seemed the whole russian family were having a gathering party.

– You're here finally- why are you still wearing your pajamas? Lucinda looked at me weirdly.
– Don't ask me! Ask your son.

– Hey! You're the one who decided to sleep so much.
– Oh, well let's get you ready, Lucinda clapped her hands as three maids appeared. Make her shine tonight.

They nodded creepily in sync to each other and took me to a room next to this. Inside they made me sit in front a chair then it started. Everything went so fast. Too fast. I don't even think ten seconds went by before they were done with putting make-up on my face but I looked fabulous. Kind of like snow-white only just a more sexier version of her. Next they stripped me off before I could protest and put a lovely red dress that matched my red lips. I could almost see where this was going. 

After they were done curling my hair I was thrown back into Mikhail's arms. He held me tightly as he kissed my forehead. 

– It will be all over soon, he said.

But what would be all over?

And then I saw Harry and an old man wearing a crown upon his head coming towards us.


Well, well guys tell me in the comments what you think about the chapter. Do I still got the talent to write something interesting or has it all died from the six months of laziness.


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