Chapter 2 🌙

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••Haru's POV••

"Haru are you okay? I feel like maybe you should sit and calm down." Isamu suggests as he looks at my extremely stressed out self. "I'm fine!" I dejectedly say as I begin wiping tears away from my eyes, not letting them fall down my cheeks.

"This is stupid why am I crying for that piece of shit no good ugly Uchiha." I whine before finally taking my wolf companions advice and stubbornly sitting down on a log. "It's okay Haru you're too good for him anyways!" Isamu consoles as he sits next to my curled up figure on the log.

"Shut up Isamu he's gorgeous!" I cry making Isamu sweat drop and anime fall. "B-But you just said he's ugly?" Isamu asks feeling extremely confused. I bring my head up and sigh, wiping the pathetic tears away from my eyes but they just keep coming. "Because he is ugly." I mutter earning an irk mark from Isamu.

"Make up your mind woman! You can't just call him ugly one second and gorgeous the other!" Isamu snaps to which I straighten up and pout. "Hey, on the bright side, this is the most emotion I've seen in years!" he says to which I roll my eyes. "thanks a lot." I mutter earning a lopsided grin.

"C'mon Haru! I'm sure everyone at home would love to see you, we aren't even that far away!" He says biting my gloved hand and pulling me away from the log that I was sitting on.

"I know that but I don't know if I want them to see me like this." I say patting my cheeks and shaking my shoulders to calm myself down.

Isamu nods "that's the spirit Haru! Forget all about that handsome/not handsome Uchiha who brutally broke your heat for no reason and didn't stand up for you when his teacher was harassing you!" Isamu cheers with a smile.

I freeze and look at him with wide watery eyes, he instantly tilts his head at me "Oh dear, did I strike a nerve?"


"Huh this place hasn't really changed."  I say as Isamu follows me in approaching the village gates.

"My my well hello pretty lady. What brings you to the village?" Kotetsu, one of the guards, says with a smile. "What?" I ask with a stoic face, does he seriously not remember me?

"Are you new here? It'd be a pleasure to show you around." Izumo says, smirking at me.

I stay silent for as Isamu starts laughing. The two guards hesitantly divert their attention from my face to Isamu and instantly freeze. "Wait... white hair, a wolf, sorta looks like lady Tsunade." Izumo analyzes before bowing in a frantic ninety degree angle, Kotestu doing the same but even more panicked.

"H-Haru-hime you've returned!" Kotestu says smiling nervously at my stoic expression. "So as Konoha's guards, if any pretty girl were to find her way to the leaf village you two would flirt flirt with them and easily show them around with no hesitance?" I ask before placing my hands on my hips and leaning on one leg. 

"O-of course not! you know Naruto returned earlier this week I think they're all in the hokage's office." Izumo nervously informs.

. . . . Can someone tell me how they got promoted to gate guards?

I nonetheless nod before passing through both of them quietly, Isamu trailing along behind me. I stay silent as civilians on the streets instantly begin recognizing me and bowing slightly.

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