Chapter 65 🌙 Part 1

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AN: This chapter is very very very very long annddd theres another very very very long part to it so please be patient with mee! The next part will be out very very soon! Plus heres a fan art by a reader who's Identity wanted to be kept as -> Cupcake anon<- lol.

Remember if you want to turn in any fan art (or just wanna talk Im down lol) just send me a message letting me know!

Anyways that was just a quick warning, onto the story!


"Haru we don't have time for this! I told you that Konoha is actively under attack. As in right now!" Isamu groans as he trots behind me.

I simply ignore him as I walk towards the old empty akatsuki hideout that Sasuke and I are going to meet up in.

"Isamu just trust me." I say, running a hand through my un brushed yet soft hair. His jaw drops from behind me "Now Is not the time for cuddling with your boyfriend!" He whisper yells to which I roll my eyes.

"Isamu if you're going to keep on complaining then I have a request for you." I say, my gaze unwavering from in front of me. "What is it?" He asks.

I pause and reach a hand up to my neck. Fiddling around with my necklace rather nervously before twirling it and ripping it off, I hold the glowing turquoise stone in my hands.

"It took me a long time to figure this out. I didn't know why it was glowing at the time but then I understood. I want you to go to Konoha's hospital and find my niece or nephew, please protect them." I say, clutching the shiny crystal in my hand before hesitantly giving it to Isamu.

It pains me to let the necklace go, not knowing if that was the last memory I had of Shinji or not. But I have to let it go in order for Isamu to find the kid. The closer I am to the kid, the more it glows. Shinji was smart in leaving it for me even though he didn't tell me about the true purpose. Right now the crystal's glow is kind of dull since we're so far from Konoha.

"W-what?! You're putting me on babysitting duty?! While Konoha may be in shambles?!" Isamu persists irking the hell out of me. I know he's agitated for a very good reason though, so I won't hold it against him.

"Just trust me Isamu! I'll be there just let me do this one thing first!" I exclaim, twirling around and frowning down at him. "You trust me right?" I ask with narrowed eyes.

The last thing I need right now is the last being who actually has faith in me loosing their faith. That'd mean that I have no one to back me up which would just suck. "What type of question is that?! Of course I trust you!" He exclaims right back, making me sigh a little in relief.

"Good, then we'll see each other there." I say turning back around and breaking into a sprint towards the old Akatsuki grounds knowing there's a time limit on my back. Isamu doesn't follow me, but instead looks down at the crystal dangling from his neck. He sighs and shakes his head.

"The brat was just born and he's already causing trouble dammit." I hear him say as I create further distance from him. An involuntary smile forms on my face and I chuckle, he happens to sound a lot like an old wolf I use to know! I glance up at the sky and I smirk, did Isao really have to rub off on him that much?

I slow down as I reach the old base, and finally stop at the stone statue right in front of it. "Sasuke I know you're here just come here already I'm in a rush." I say, leaning back on the stone statue and looking up at the tall trees. Sasuke immediately jumps down from highest trees and arches a brow at me.

"In a rush? Why? You're coming back with me Haru." He tells me to which I barely flinch. No, no I'm not.

I walk towards him and bring my arms up around his neck bringing him in a close hug. I genuinely did miss him, and being without him for a whole week did kinda stress me out. Gosh, I hate how connected I've become with him sometimes.

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