Chapter 71 pt.1

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"Where could he be?" I murmur to myself, sighing as I sit against one of the many trees which line the trail I've been following. It's been hours upon hours of running and using my chakra to track down Sasuke's location, however the closer I feel like I get, the farther he truly goes.

Is he avoiding me? I think to myself, clenching my fists at the thought. But why would he run away? We didn't leave each other on bad terms at all, why would he be running?

A war has been announced and I have yet to find out exactly what's going on. Tobi declared war? The idiot Tobi who would hide behind me whenever Deidara got mad at him? The same Tobi who always insisted on helping me bake and messed up every single time like a fool? That Tobi?

It's really, really hard to believe!

Perhaps Tobi isn't the idiot I believed him to be, maybe it was all a ruse. A small part of me is creeped out by the very plausible fact that Tobi isn't really who I thought he was. Ah man, the same guy who made me wear a friendship bracelet? Only to cry because deidara blew his own up? I would've never thought....

Before I could get caught up in all of my fond memories of the masked idiot and Deidara, I stand up and dust off my pants.

It's time to get serious if I want to find out where Sasuke is!

So, the Kage summit apparently already happened, and according to Isamu a whole war has been announced.

Suddenly amidst all of my thoughts, a sudden spike in chakra near me catches my attention, and it's not just any chakra. My eyes widen at the familiarity of these signatures, then narrow once I realize exactly who the four people who are too close for comfort are.

"Sakura, Lee, Kiba, and Sai huh?" I murmur to myself, my body naturally tensing once I feel them get closer.

Could it be that they're following me under Danzo's orders? Is this yet another retrieval mission?

My mind is running a mile a minute at the thought of facing four ninja with the addition of Akamaru without hurting them too badly. I don't want to hurt any of them, not even Sakura as of right now, but I can't avoid that if they attack me first!

However I will say, Lee and his taijutsu skills will always intimidate me! I must avoid fighting with him at all if it comes to that!

They must know I'm here, especially with Kiba on their team, so what will they do?

I hide my chakra signature to aid in confusing them, but with a trained hunter ninja like Kiba it'll be hard to lose them. I'm about to run full speed in their opposite direction when I pause yet again.

Three of the chakra signatures, all three of the males on the team have gone to sleep?! Fainted?! Their chakra ....They've relaxed! Even Akamaru's!

My heartbeat quickens knowing Sakura is the only one standing, is she okay?! Have they been attacked?! Months ago I would've fled without a second thought, but seeing as I've come around to being the way I once was before all of this drama, I don't necessarily want any of them getting really hurt!

.....Even Sakura....

I make the hasty decision in continuing to mask my chakra and run towards the group of my former friends, abandoning the thought of looking for Sasuke momentarily as I prioritize the wellbeing of the group.

What the hell is going on?! It's one thing after another!

I run as quickly as possible, and it isn't long before I see the group of men all laying in a pile, they seem to be knocked out and I click my tongue at the genjutsu smoke bombs which are the obvious culprit.

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