Chapter 21 🌙

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Recap: "Oh, and how could I forget you princess? I'm so happy you're paying us a visit." Orochimaru tauntingly says. Every muscle in my body tenses up and my eyes narrow to slits. He chuckles when he notices "Maybe I'll play with you guys a little."

He then turns to Naruto "Let's see who's gotten stronger. You or Sasuke?"


"Give Sasuke back!" Naruto yells, I refrain from rolling my eyes. Oh Naruto, has his mind not processed that Sasuke left on his own accord?

My eyes narrow once I see the familiar orange nine tails cloak drape it self over Naruto's body. Oh shit, not again!

"Your reasoning if off Naruto. Sasuke came to us because he wanted to. For a man, you're too obsessed about the past. You need to resign yourself." Kabuto claims.

I cross my arms over my chest and look down hiding the smirk on my face. I hate to admit it, BUT EVEN KABUTO GETS IT!

"Shut up four eyes! You don't even know how Naruto feels, stop acting so cold about everything!" Sakura yells defensively. I scrunch up my nose and run a hand through my hair suddenly feeling uncomfortable as the middle of this formation.

"If you want to know so much about Sasuke, try forcing it out of me." Orochimaru says with a teasing smile, staring straight at me while doing so.

My eyes turn to slits, he's not mentioning me at all. . . This is great! Extremely suspicious, but great!

It all happened way to fast, Naruto exploded out of nowhere and my jaw drops as he punches the living hell out of Orochimaru and flings him super far away with just one punch. In consequence the bridge faces major damage. Hah! That's nothing I can't fix!

"Wood style!" I yell as I distance myself a bit from Naruto. Giant pieces of wood emerge from the ground and spear upwards at a rapid pace, helping the stability of the bridge even though the wind is giving me a hard time.

"Yeesh, Orochimaru must have at least broken rib." I comment as I narrow my eyes in the direction Orochimaru was basically flung.

Knowing him though it's most probable that Orochimaru is up and fine. I hear Kabuto chuckle and I turn to the source of his attention.

I nearly anime fall when Orochimaru just starts strolling up to us from the forest as If nothings happened. He's so creepy ugh! Luckily I keep my composure though.

"You've become a real jinchuriki host haven't you Naruto?" I start rubbing my temples when Orochimaru looks up with a peeling face revealing another one under it. 

"Not this shit again, it was weird enough when you were a shemale." I complain seeing the snake sannin smirk at our group. Kabuto turns to me amused "Shemale?"

I nod "Don't you remember in the forest of death Orochimaru was a little girl but in reality he's a guy. . . Well I don't know really, how does that work?" I ask now genuinely curious.

Kabuto opens his mouth to answer but Sakura interrupts us both "Haru you're associating yourself with the enemy!" She snaps now glaring at the both of us.

I have a urge to tell her that she'd do the same if she were in the situation that Sasuke liked her. Well, that's just my opinion. Sasuke didn't hesitate on telling me the sob story of Sakura when he left the village, I'd say that if he let her she'd leave with him!

But of course, I don't say that. I'm trying to avoid his name at all costs in this particular mission.

Orochimaru stalks forwards slowly but surely but suddenly stops. "So that's you were chosen to watch over him huh." Orochimaru says, directing the comment towards Yamato sensei.

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