Chapter 40 🌙

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"I hate myself." I bluntly say, staring stoically at Isamu who rolls his eyes at me. "So what you can't make a house with the snap of your fingers, I'll have you know that NO OTHER NINJA COULD DO THAT NOW ANYWAYS!" Isamu exclaims, finally fed up with me always bashing myself.

"Yamato could do it just fine."


I sigh heavily when Isamu lays down across my lap and I let my back rest on the sandy dunes. "Why does this desert go on forever? There's nothing but a bunch of rocks." I rhetorically ask myself.

"Haru we don't even know where we're going, The Senju temple is super far, The akatsuki changed their location so we don't know where they are, and you're now a national criminal without chakra so you cant hide in another village." Isamu comments, analyzing our situation from top to bottom.

I stay silent as I stare up at the baby blue sky, my akatsuki cloak conveniently shielding me away from the scorching sun rays. "Haru. . . what if they catch up to us?" Isamu asks to which I groan in frustration. "I don't know Isamu, why must all the odds be against us?" I ask once again, now glaring at the sky. "Do you think Naruto will come?" Isamu asks, now tilting his head over so he'd look at me.

I frown and sit up, "Can we not talk about Naruto? I'm not in the mood to dwell over failed friendships." I say, my voice giving out how tired I really am. Isamu, sensing my slight distress let's the topic go. But that doesn't stop my from thinking about it. I wonder, If I was never put on team seven what would've happened?

Would Naruto and I still be friends right now? Would Sakura and I get along better? Would Sasuke and I even reconcile a couple of years ago? Would I have ever left the village? It's just crazy to me, I got along relatively well with everyone else in my class except for the people I was teamed up with. The inconvenience of it all.

My thoughts are disrupted when I suddenly feel Isamu tense up and jump off my lap seemingly alarmed.

I furrow my eyebrows "What's wrong Isamu?" My summonings eyes narrow, and he bares his teeth in a certain direction. "We have company." He mutters.

I frown and stand up, turning to Isamu's line of sight when I notice some familiar faces coming our way. I click my tongue and zip my cloak all the way up so only my ruby red eyes are visible. My long hair flows behind me as I toy with the akatsuki ring on my index finger.

"So I don't think my R.A tactic is going to work this time around." I say sarcastically, hoping to lift up my summonings mood. I now know that they can see me, but I don't even try to retreat. There's no point to it, what will I do hide behind a rock?

Isamu on the other hand has become extremely defensive, taking me aback the slightest bit. I've never seen him act like this, maybe it's because he knows I can't defend myself like I usually could this time around. He jumps in front of me and crouches down, an ambivalent expression on his face as he stares down the oncoming ninja.

I look forwards and my breath hitches when I make eye contact with, of all people, Kakashi. Great.

I clench my fists and take a step back, by now I would've already been gone or already been attacking them. The feeling of helplessness is really becoming sort of suffocating.

"Haru!" My red eyes snap to a figure of my past, Ino, running towards me. As much as it hurts, I ignore her and look back to everyone else, who slow down when they realize that I'm standing perfectly still, my wolf baring his teeth threateningly at anyone who wants to come any closer.

My old comrades and I are no less than twenty feet away from each other at a standstill. I analyze them all one by one noticing the tired looks on their faces, and my sight stops on Kakashi, who's staring at me. But I notice that his gaze is almost sad? What's that all about?

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